It will often rain in the morning, before the sky clears in the afternoon.

Monday's weather will be disrupted in the morning and cooler, before clearing in the afternoon, except on the Alps, according to Météo-France forecasts released Sunday.

From the Pyrenees to the Massif Central, to the Alps and Franche-Comté, the weather is cloudy in the morning with rains. They are moderate near the Pyrenees and stormy on the Alps. In the afternoon the rains are draining to the east, but showers are likely to continue on the Alps, under a cloudy sky.

Temperatures from 10 to 35 degrees

Near the Mediterranean after a stormy morning with some stormy showers, the wind finally clear the sky in the afternoon. On the north of the country, the weather is variable with frequent showers and thunder occasionally rises, but the sky clears near the coast in the afternoon with the return of a few clearings. On the southwest, the morning showers give way to a quieter time, the afternoon with a sky that remains nevertheless very busy.

In the early morning, the minimum is cooler with 10 to 13 degrees on the northern half, 12 to 17 in the south, and up to 19 to 24 on the Mediterranean. The maximum varies from 18 to 24 degrees in general, 25 to 32 degrees in the south-east and up to 35 degrees in southern Corsica.