Babar Mahmud is the administrator of one of the groups available. He started the group just because he thought it was not reasonable that there is no alternative at Skånetrafiken between a day card and the 30-day card.

- Sometimes you just need the card for two, three weeks. Then it is convenient to rent it out during the last period, says Babar Mahmud.

Skåne traffic knows about the trade

Kevin Brandt Leander, sales manager at Skånetrafiken, says that he is fully informed of all groups that exist and their purpose. At the same time, he sees nothing wrong and thinks it is good that public transport is used.

- The most important thing for us is that you have a valid ticket. Since what people choose to do with the ticket, I have nothing to do with it, says Kevin Brandt Leander.

Learn more about the jojo trade in the clip above.