
Yesterday (11th), two lawyers from Japan and Japan gathered in Tokyo, Japan, and issued a statement saying that the Japanese government should respect the compulsory conviction of our Supreme Court. The recruiting victim and the Japanese company said it was the first to discuss reparations.

I'm correspondent for Tokyo Yuseongjae.


This statement was issued yesterday under the names of all Korean-Japanese officials who wanted to resolve the issue of forced recruitment.

Of the 19 participants, 7 Japanese and 4 Korean are lawyers.

They say the South Korean Supreme Court should be highly regarded for admitting individual claims.

The Japanese government has denied it, but it has also made clear that the current export restrictions are retaliation for convicted victims.

At the same time, the victims of compulsory recruitment and Japanese companies discussed the compensation plan first, and suggested that the two governments respect the consequences.

[Shiro Kawakami / Japan Attorney: (Japanese government) accused the Korean Supreme Court ruling of wrong, but not at all. Do not disturb the victims on their own to resolve it, but respect it.]

The Aichi Triennial Executive Committee and artists who protested the discontinuance of the Girl Prize of Peace exhibited a resumption project through SNS.

I sent a public inquiry to Aichi Omura, who stopped the exhibition on the 6th, but did not receive a response until the deadline.

As a result, it is highly likely that the executive committee will respond to a full-scale group request to reopen the exhibition.