
Today (11th) in Tokyo, lawyers from Korea and Japan made a statement to criticize the Japanese government. There is no problem with the conviction decision, so accept it. Let's connect to Tokyo.

Yoo Sung-jae, please explain the statement in more detail.


This statement was issued under the names of Korean and Japanese officials who wanted to resolve the issue of compulsory recruitment. Among the 19 participants, 7 Japanese and 4 Koreans are lawyers.

They pointed out that the recognition of the individual's right to reimbursement by the South Korean Supreme Court should have been highly regarded as a last resort to human rights.

And while the Japanese government still denies it, it has also been clarified that the current export restrictions are retaliation for convicted victims.

At the same time, both parties to the civil trial, the victims of compulsory recruitment and Japanese companies, discussed how to compensate, and suggested that the two governments respect the outcome.

It is the story of a lawyer who joined the statement.

[Shiro Kawakami / Japan Attorney: (Japanese government) accused the Korean Supreme Court ruling of wrong, but not at all. Do not disturb the victims on their own to resolve it, but respect it.]


In addition, the issue of the Peace Girl, which was discontinued in four days in Nagoya, and the organizers who decided on the exhibition are protesting.


Let's see a picture first.

The exhibitor filmed yesterday morning and posted it on SNS.

Although the exhibition has been discontinued, the works remain the same as they were at the time of the exhibition.

The executive committee members and artists started the project to resume the exhibition through SNS.

It seems that we have not received a satisfactory answer from Governor Omura yet.

We need to keep an eye on what they will do to resume the exhibition.

(Site progress: Moon Hyunjin)