
President Trump also reopened in three weeks on the Korea-Japan conflict. Korea and Japan are in trouble so the United States is in trouble.

It is read that it conveyed a meaning to listen to the governments of Korea and Japan.


President Trump responded to a reporter's recent question about Korea-Japan relations.

[Trump / US President: Korea and Japan must be allies. (Japan-Japan conflict) makes us very difficult. Korea and Japan continue to argue.]

If the alliance between Japan and South Korea is bad, we expressed concern that the ROK-US cooperation could be shaken.

He also said he hopes the two countries will have a good time. They should talk to each other.

[Trump / US President: I am worried that the two countries are not good. The two countries should face each other and have a good time.

President Trump said last month that he could get involved at the request of the two countries on the issue.

[Trump / US President (19th month): President Moon Jae-in asked me to intervene. Both sides will get involved if they want to.]

I have expressed my intention to be involved in the Korea-Japan issue that is causing conflicts with export regulations, but the nuances have subtly changed.

There is controversy in South Korea over the need for an extension to the ROK-Japan military information security agreement, and Japan is planning to deliberately neglect the remarks on South Korea in the technology related to security cooperation in the draft defense white paper this year.

President Trump's remarks do not want the economic conflict to escalate into US-ROK cooperation, and he rather calls for resolution on both sides rather than direct involvement.

(Video Editing: Lee Seung Hee)