Malin Larsson works as an ecologist in Norrköping municipality and according to her it is difficult to know why the beavers have made their way into town.

- Yes it is a little difficult to answer, a species invents what it invents. The beavers have done better and better in recent years and can appear in most streams, she says.

Natural shade

If the beavers were to build ponds in the stream, problems could arise, but Malin Larsson says there is little risk of this happening. The beaver in the clip above is so approaching, on the other hand, is unusual because beavers are naturally shy animals.

- Their instinct is to avoid people, but just like pets or wild birds, the beavers get used to us and realize that we are totally okay. But wildlife that are not predators will always try to escape if they feel crowded so you don't have to worry.

Sharpen your teeth

In order for the beaver's teeth not to grow too long, it must gnaw on trees. In order to prevent damage to the trees, the municipality puts nets around the trunks on exposed trees in the city center. However, according to Malin Larsson, this does not mean that the beavers who live in the stream risk getting too long teeth.

- The beavers live on very large areas. Protecting our city trees does not affect them, there are trees to gnaw on in the outer areas, she says.

What do you think about the beavers finding their way into town?

I think it is fantastic, I am most jealous that I did not get to see them myself!