
Our atmosphere is changing a bit like Japan. Japan's sensitive Dokdo defense training was originally planned to be carried out by land, sea, and air early next week.

Reporter Kim Jung-yoon.


Chung Dae-yong, the head of the National Security Office, said that this year's Dokdo defense training will include both the Navy and the Naval Air Force.

[Jeong-Yong Chung / Director of National Security Agency, Cheong Wa Dae]

The Pentagon set a training date for the Blue House between 12 and 14 days just before Independence Day, and it appears that the Blue House has recently changed.

A Blue House official said, "There will be no Dokdo training before Liberation Day." "After the Liberation Day, I will not hurry up," he added.

This decision seems to be the time to manage the situation on a regular basis, leaving the training period 'ambiguously'.

In Japan, the response is bigger than anticipated, and Defense Secretary Mark Esper continues to emphasize the ROK-US-Japan cooperation.

The Korean government has also suspended its response to excluding Japan from the list of preferential export countries.

Asked if they are seeking conditions for dialogue while deteriorating the situation, the Blue House says it is closely watching Japan's movement to change airflow, but it remains unchanged for our government to fundamentally withdraw economic retaliation.