Breakfast is the most important throughout the day to provide the body with vitamins and nutrients necessary for carrying out vital functions, but what happens when you abandon this meal on the grounds of weight loss, for example?

The German magazine "Freunden" answers the findings of various studies, explaining that the abandonment of breakfast increases the health risks.

According to the American Heart Association, not eating breakfast increases blood pressure and cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease, especially with the presence of genetic predisposition.

The scientists at Hohenheim University after examining 17 people that breakfast has a positive effect on maintaining a healthy balance of the body and the rate of consumption of calories.

The journal pointed out that although giving up breakfast may result in burning the body for more fat, which may tempt some, but maintaining breakfast protects the body from infections.

Breakfast also helps to balance glucose level, which is essential to help prevent obesity and type 2 diabetes.

The German magazine warned that leaving breakfast to lose weight may be counterproductive, with increased desire to eat throughout the day and provide the body with more calories.