The owner, who has left the dog in the car in a hot weather and shows irresponsibility, is buying.

On August 8, local officials, including Fox News, told the story of Colorado policeman Dave Konowsky rescued a dog in a car.

On Tuesday, Mr. Konousuki was sent to the Wal-Mart parking lot after his dog was trapped. Normally receiving this report more than two or three times a week, he filmed the rescue process on a bodycam to indicate the seriousness.

In the public video, the puppy who was lying in the back seat was wandering alone in the steamy heat. Also, I couldn't wake up quickly, gasping as much as I could breathe. Colorado was 32 degrees hot, and the car's internal temperature reached 51 degrees.

Konosky broke the window and rescued the dog, but the dog, who had been exposed to the heat for a long time, eventually suffered brain damage.

"I was angry with the owner who appeared after hearing the disturbance," he said.

The dog's owner was eventually arrested by the police, but it was not known what punishment he would receive. 'News Pick'.

(Configuration = New Index Editor)
(Photo = FOX NEWS Homepage Capture)

(SBS New Media Department)