
The following news is our exclusive report on the controversy surrounding the Tokyo Olympics next year. Japan has long said it will use Fukushima ingredients in its food. Whether the food is contaminated with radioactive material can be determined by the concentration of cesium, which is 100 becquerels per kilogram. In Japan, Fukushima produce is not over the standard, so it's safe to eat now.

Last year, more than 9 million rice surveys were produced in Fukushima, but as far as Japan says, they are below the standard, but 99% of the total was below 25 becquerels. In fact, it compares with the Korean rice which was close to zero. As anxiety continues to grow, the IOC officially said it is carefully discussing the issue, saying it is not yet decided whether to use Fukushima.

Reporter Kwon Jong-oh.


The IOC officially made a statement in the name of Spokesman Mark Adams on SBS's question regarding the Tokyo Olympics.

First, the Olympic Village food menu is under discussion and is not yet finalized.

Contrary to the Japanese government's pledge to use Fukushima's food ingredients, the Japanese government said, “We will discuss with the Tokyo Organizing Committee and international nutritionists what food issues have a significant impact on athletes' health.

The US and UK media have recently been focusing on radioactive contamination, and the IOC appears to have recognized the seriousness.

The IOC nailed no plans to change the controversial Azuma ballpark in Fukushima.

The stadium, where men's baseball and women's softball are played, was raised only 67 km from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, which exploded during the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, raising concerns about radiation exposure.

However, the IOC has said it will not change the stadium to another, saying its radiation levels are similar to other major cities in other countries.

Due to the rising concern about radiation around the world, the Korean government has also taken measures.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism plans to ask the professional institutions of third countries to measure radiation levels at the general manager's meeting held in Tokyo on the 20th through the Korea Sports Association.

[Non-Tae Kang / Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism II: IOC will come out. IOCs put top safety first. You have to challenge the IOC and the Organizing Committee to ask them to resolve your doubts.]

The Korea Sports Association also plans to set up a food service center in Tokyo for national athletes to provide the most special foods made from our ingredients.

(Video coverage: Kim Heung-ki, Video editing: Park Athlete)