Every week this summer, the attractions at Liseberg have stopped close to 50 times, seven times a day. It shows the amusement park's own statistics.

- It may sound like a lot, but for us nothing stands out. Nothing is remarkable, says the attraction manager at Liseberg Daniel Lindberg.

Fewer stops this year

Much has been reported about stops in rides this summer, as late as Wednesday evening. However, according to statistics, this summer does not stand out. This year, attractions have stopped 680 times between late April and late July. Last year, the attractions stopped 728 times during the same period. Last year the weather was a bigger factor than this year. In 2017, the stop was 659.

Flashes and nausea

- It can be anything from thunder, lightning or wind. But it can also be a guest feeling bad and the effect of it. It could be someone kicking off their shoes or picking up a phone, or technical interference, says Daniel Lindberg.

According to Kenneth Berndtsson, Head of Technology and Safety, the stop shows that the machines signal as they should, in the slightest trouble.

"Blown up"

- In some way, this has been inflated beyond its proportions. We may meet this now but we have high security at our attractions, with industry dimensions measured we are good at, says Function Manager Kenneth Berndtsson on technology and security.

But can you really trust it, you really have reason to say so?

- Our numbers show that. We have access to our attractions in over 98 percent of all business hours, says Kenneth Berndtsson.

According to Liseberg, there is no evidence that we can see behind the statistics they have produced themselves, however, each attraction has a log book where all the technical is reported.