▲ Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Bangkok

Concerning the conflict between South Korea and Japan, the US has raised the point that Japan needs to reflect on its actions and examine whether it will increase Japan's overall profits.

A think tank, the US Institute for Strategic and International Affairs, said in a report on the Korea-Japan conflict by Mr. Goodman, vice chairman of the United States on Wednesday, "Japan feels that Korea's response to export restrictions is excessive. It can raise political doubts because it has been done. ”

"Even if it's a pure and urgent national security concern, the action could damage Japan's broader interests."

In addition, the report points out that trade disputes between Japan and Japan can have a serial effect on the international economy. The report also analyzes that the “strategic implications” of the dispute may be greater for Japan.

Japan and South Korea may be hampered by cooperation that must be prioritized in the face of pressing security threats, including North Korea's missile test launches and Russian airspace invasion.

The report also noted that "Japan and Japan share common strategic interests in working together against China's regional coercion and international violations."

In particular, the report pointed out that the conflict could have a negative effect on regional economic diplomacy for the Abe administration.

The report said, “A step back and avoiding the worsening of the conflict will be in the interests of both Korea and Japan,” and pointed out that Japan and Japan should agree on immediate business negotiations on issues surrounding Japanese export control decisions.

The report says criticism has been made that the Trump administration exacerbated the situation by abandoning traditional alliance management and missing out on intervention, but it is up to Japan to find ways to narrow the gap.

(Photo: Yonhap News)