Shady Abdel Hafez

A research team at the University of Warsaw, Poland, in a study published in the journal Science, has announced that it has been able to create a realistic three-dimensional design of our galaxy, the Milky Way, in which it appeared without its usual shape as a flat, dish-like disk.

The study, published on August 1, shows that the sides of our galaxy are not straight as previously thought, but twisted, one end of the curve tilted up and one bent down.

Stars are humming
The research team was able to design this shape for our galaxy by studying about 2,500 stars from a class called the "Cevifian variables." By examining the distances between us and each of those stars and then putting the results in a computer simulation, the research team showed that our galaxy takes this curved shape.

Cepheids are the most important and most famous pulsars. The Kifhwa-changing stars are very large stars that are about 200 times larger than our sun, and are very hot and emitted with matter, gases and star winds on cycles.

The changing stars are a special kind of star whose sky is constantly rising and falling continuously. It may be irregular and may be irregular. The ancients saw some of them and thought that they were related to the demons who "blink" their eyes on the earth because of the change of their luminosity.

But now we know that the difference in luminance occurs for several reasons, including the nature of the star itself, where it magnifies and shrinks.

Due to the fact that there is a precise physical relationship between the number of pulse times and the distance between us and it is possible, only by observing each star for a long time, the Warsaw team can determine the distance between it and the Earth.

The changing stars are a special kind of star that is increasingly glowing and falling continuously (University of Tokyo )

Curved Galaxy
But it is not so easy. The stars are very far away, so a relatively new observatory is the most accurate in this area, the Atacama Observatory in Ocala, Chile, the most drier and darkest region in the world. For the establishment of observatories.

Ocal is able to detect and classify twice the number of variable stars in the most accurate telescopes, which is what helped the University of Warsaw team to make the design of the galaxy is the most accurate yet.

It was not the first time that the edges of our galaxy were crooked. A research team from the China National Academy of Sciences had pointed out similar results in February, justifying the torsion that the gravity of our galaxy is weakening at the extremities, giving it a more flexible movement.

Scientists are interested in precisely defining the exact shape of the Milky Way, our galaxy, because it is simply the galaxy we live in, and understanding it accurately gives researchers in this range a better chance to understand the structure of other galaxies, and thus the whole universe.