North Korea has been strongly opposed to the exercise of the US-ROK alliance in the second half of the year, which began yesterday through a statement by the Foreign Ministry spokesman, "warned.

"There is no change in the way we try to solve the problem, but as long as military hostility continues, the dialogue power will gradually disappear," he said.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, "We are condemning the hostile act of the United States and South Korea in a dangerous manner."

The US and South Korea are taking measures to eliminate the potential direct threats to national security. "The US and South Korea are taking measures to eliminate the potential direct threats to national security," he said. We will not be able to escape from our responsibilities. "

"The situation has been sharply decreasing our desire for North American and North Korean transitions, and it has had a negative impact on our outlook for dialogue."

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has accused the country of saying, "If it is such a security threat, it would be wiser not to do it."

The talks followed the launch of North Korean missiles at dawn today.

It is said that it raised the level of rebellion against the US-ROK alliance training and raised the intensity of the fighting ahead of the North Korea negotiations.