The Alchemia operation (Photo Ansa 2016)

  • Maxi-operation against the 'Ndrangheta: investigated the vice president of the Calabrian council


05 August 2019Sen for 15 million assets to Carmelo Gullace and his wife Giulia Fazzari, as well as Orlando Sofio and Marianna Grutteria, all arrested in 2016 in the Alchemia inquiry. The investigation had led to 42 precautionary measures against subjects affiliated and contiguous to the thighs of 'Ndrangheta Reggine Raso-Gullace-Albanese and Parrello-Gagliostro, accused of mafia-type association, external competition in association with the Mafia, corruption, fictitious heading of goods and society.

The Dia of Genoa, coordinated by the district direction of Reggio Calabria, has placed the seals on current accounts, bank deposits, movable assets, 7 companies, real estate, in the provinces of Savona, Alessandria and Reggio Calabria. The patrimonial investigations of the Dia of Genoa have revealed a picture of contiguity of Gullace and his wife on the Raso-Gullace-Albanese cosca, the driving force of their entrepreneurial affirmation.

Gullace is considered by investigators an apical figure of the cosca, with a leadership and command role, as a referent of the 'ndranghetistico articulation in Liguria and in Piedmont for the resolution of disputes, for the maintenance of contacts with the leading exponents of other territorial articulations of the 'ndrangheta, for the sharing of entrepreneurial interests, even outside the Italian territory, for the reuse of proceeds from criminal activities.

For the investigators, Sofio, considered a participant of the Raso-Gullace-Albanian gang, is a trusted man of Gullace with the role of Piedmontese referent, and is in charge of maintaining relations with the Piromalli cosca of Gioia Tauro, of finding nominees for the fictitious heading of the entrepreneurial activities attributable to the criminal association and to take care of the common economic interests with the Gagliostro-Parrello di Palmi (Reggio Calabria) cosca in the contracts for cleaning in Calabria, in the production of lamps and in the purchase of car rentals in Lombardy. Sofio and Grutteria would have strengthened the cosca through the hidden management of companies operating in economically sensitive sectors, trying to infiltrate, with the complacency of political and entrepreneurial exponents, in the awarding of public works, through the mechanism of subcontracting.

Gullace's wife treated public procurement
If Carmelo Gullace, according to the investigators, had an apical role, a special place in the organization belonged to his wife Giulia Fazzari. According to the Anti-Mafia Investigation Directorate, the woman had the role of maintaining relations with the administrators of the municipalities of the province of Savona, aimed at acquiring public tenders, as well as organizing transfers to Brazil to launder criminal proceeds from the belonging gang, through the acquisition of real estate.