LONDON (Reuters) - A popular reception by US Congressman Elhan Omar on her arrival in Minnesota on Thursday suggests US President Donald Trump's racist remarks against her have contributed to her popularity, a report in the Guardian newspaper said.

According to the report - written by Eric Lutz and presenting the views of some local people - Trump's targeting was made up of four women congressmen, all colored, and demanding that they return to their countries of origin; an incentive for those who received insult to express their support and stand up to Trump's letter, Dangerous and racist.

The reception, attended by some 150 people, came a day after Trump was criticized by a deputy in front of a crowd of his supporters in North Carolina amidst the cheers of the crowd, "I promise it where it came from."

The report adds that Trump has faced widespread criticism after racial blasphemy in which the four congressional members - Elhan Omar, Rachida Tlaib, Alexandra Ocacio-Cortez and Ian Presley - were accused of not being patriotic.

Receiving MP Elhan Omar came a day after Trump criticized a crowd of his supporters,

The report states that some of those who expressed their views to the newspaper expressed their pride in standing beside Elhan, who was not deterred by the racial attack of Trump from focusing on her agenda, including support for Medicare for All.

They also expressed their concern about their safety, and their denunciation of Trump's traumas and racist statements against them.