“You can write anything, but the truth is that our Triumphs can effectively repel the massive attacks of all modern means of air attack,” he said.

He stressed that the S-400 “works well when the enemy attempts to organize electronic suppression”.

“The Russian ZRS is capable of performing combat missions in any climatic and weather conditions,” Mikhailov added.

According to him, the S-400 system does not have to be a generalist for all trades, and its task is to detect and destroy strategically dangerous targets at long ranges.

In this case, the latest air defense system is able to take control of a whole positional area of ​​air defense. All the systems and air defense systems there will then hit the enemy’s aircraft and missiles at the commands of the Triumph crew.

“And cruise missiles launched to destroy the starting positions of the S-400 themselves must shoot down the P-Sir C-1 anti-aircraft missile systems ... They are staffed in every regimental set of Triumphs,” he said.

He also noted that Turkey had already bought the C-400, "and the Americans can only gnash their teeth."

Earlier, Startfor announced the discovery of "vulnerabilities" C-400. At the same time, experts noted that the complexes are among the most effective among air defense systems.

The published material stated that unfavorable geographic conditions, such as mountainous terrain, could reduce the effectiveness of weapons.

This, according to American experts, leads to the fact that the low-flying cruise missile of the air defense system is capable of shooting down only at a distance of "tens of kilometers".

It was noted that in the hands of well-trained specialists, the systems are capable of inflicting significant damage on the enemy, but if they operate in isolation and are not supported by other air defense systems, they can “not withstand” a massive rocket attack.