TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iranian leader Ali Khamenei has said his country would continue to reduce its nuclear obligations in return for non-compliance.

Khomeini explained that the European countries have not fulfilled their commitments to the nuclear agreement, and that the Iranians will not be vulnerable to it.

"According to our foreign minister, Europe has broken 11 commitments and has not fulfilled any of them, and we have fulfilled our commitments and more, and now that we have begun to reduce our commitments we are against it, .

He said Britain's seizure of a tanker carrying Iranian oil was piracy and that his country would respond to the British measures, which he considered a "crime".

Iran has called on Britain to immediately release the tanker, which was seized by the British Royal Marines on suspicion of violating European sanctions to transport oil to Syria.

Iran's energy organization has talked about a uranium enrichment rate of 4.5 percent at present.

This coincided with the warning of Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif of the United States to play with fire.

In an interview with NBC, Zarif said neither Iran nor the US president wanted the war, but accused some of those around President Trump of not being reluctant to wage war on Tehran.

Zarif said the door was open to diplomacy if President Trump lifted the sanctions he had imposed on Iran since 2017.

The Iranian foreign minister denied his country's pursuit of nuclear weapons, saying that if Iran wanted to develop nuclear weapons, it has done so for a long time.

Zarif said US weapons were flowing into our region, making them ready to explode, so if they wanted to talk about our missiles, they would first have to stop selling their weapons.