“Deliveries ... continue. In connection with this, the tenth plane landed at the Murded airbase (in the province of Ankara. - RT ), “- said in a message on Twitter.

S-400 Uzun Menzilli Bölge Hava ve Füze Savunma Sistem malzemelerinin sevkiyatı devam ediyor. Bu kapsamda onuncu uçak Mürted Hava Meydanı'na indi. pic.twitter.com/TKSIZQL2Y8

- TC Millî Savunma Bakanlığı (@tcsavunma) July 16, 2019

Earlier, the ninth aircraft arrived in Turkey with C-400 components.

As Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan noted, Ankara is going to complete the deployment of the C-400 by April 2020.

Deliveries of Russian complexes began on July 12. The State Duma told Nation News that it was a victory for common sense.