When the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the Abilify MyCite drug for schizophrenia in late 2017 - a pill that sends a signal to a patient's doctor when taking it - it was not only seen as a major step forward, but as a new frontier for online drugs. But there are problems.

In schizophrenia, patients often stop taking medication, leading to psychotic episodes that may have serious consequences, so this pill (consisting of a drug with a tiny chip) will help doctors intervene before the patient gets out of control.

But after 17 months, a few patients use the drug, and doctors and insurance companies say it is a situation where both real restraints and cost overruns the innovations that can be produced by the medical industry.

In the case of schizophrenic patients, some doctors warn that Abilivay my site may exacerbate the same delusions that the drug was designed to prevent.

The debate over Ablefay My Sait underscores dilemmas that will increasingly confront US health care as the medical industry and the Silicon Valley try to promote innovation.

For example, from cost dilemmas, eBay's Maylite Web site costs $ 1,650 a month, nearly thirty times the cost of the same property without the electronic chip.

It is also a moral issue to keep an eye on patients whose mental competence may sometimes be limited. This raises questions about patient autonomy and data privacy.

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And schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects up to 1% of the society, in which the patient sees things and hears unreal sounds. His condition is often interpreted as having a satanic disorder or that the fetus entered his body and lives and controls it. In other societies, That he was kidnapped from space objects.

Schizophrenia is also known as schizophrenia. According to the National Mental Health Foundation in the United States, schizophrenia affects 1% of the population, but it is up to 10% in people with a first degree relative with the disease.

And schizophrenia does not mean that a person has multiple personalities, this picture is wrong. It is also a misconception that a schizophrenic has two competing personalities, one sinister or the other abnormal for one person and another together, and that the treatment is to beat one another.

In fact, schizophrenia is a mental illness in which a person's thinking, behavior and senses are disturbed, a chronic disorder that requires the patient to receive treatment and care until it is fully cured.