Beijing, June 6 (Zhongxin Net) (Wei Xianghui, intern Wang Yixin) "Victory in the flag", "winning the championship in one fell swoop", "moving towards glory"... Every year in the college entrance examination, these are the "good colors" that parents are keen on in the third year of high school, and they once gave birth to the hot "college entrance examination economy". But in the eyes of the candidates, although the parents' intentions are important, they hope to maintain a normal mind.

Flowers near the examination room are hot selling Some people earn 1,000 yuan in the morning

At 6 a.m. on June 7, less than half an hour before the end of the Chinese exam, many parents waiting for the end of the exam were gathered near the examination center of the middle school affiliated to Chinese Min University in Haidian District, Beijing. noticed that a lady at the scene was selling a bouquet of sunflowers with the "Golden List Inscription" printed on it to parents. "A bunch of 98 yuan, the price is definitely cheaper than in a physical store." In an interview, she said that she brought a total of 16 bunches in the morning, and there were 2 bunches left. This means that in the half day of the morning alone, she earns more than <>,<> yuan from selling flowers.

The picture shows parents buying bouquets Photo by Wei Xianghui

Ms. Zhou, the owner of a physical flower shop near the above-mentioned test center, told that many parents have recently ordered bouquets for the college entrance examination. "It needs to be at least two days in advance, and you can't buy it on the same day." She introduced that the cheapest custom flowers for the college entrance examination in the store are 128 yuan per bouquet.

It is understood that sunflowers have always been a popular category during the college entrance examination because of the meaning of "winning the championship in one fell swoop", and with chamomile, roses, etc., the wrapping paper is printed with "gold list title", "pen flowers", "the future is like a brocade" and other blessings, it can be favored by many parents.

As early as more than a month ago, Xiao Yang, a senior student, considered selling flowers with his classmates in the college entrance examination these days. "We didn't have anyone to send it at that time, but we still cared about it, so I thought that there might be parents who were not prepared that day and would buy it on the spot." He prepared two specifications of hand-knitted flowers, of which the large bouquet was priced at 98.5 yuan for a single bouquet and 21.1 yuan for the small bunch, saying that the meaning was a little more than "985" and "211".

The picture shows a handmade bouquet sold by Xiao Yang Photo by Wei Xianghui

Xiao Yang said that because the flowers are not very well preserved, and secondly, the price of flowers in the college entrance examination is also high recently, and many places cannot be ordered, so he chose to make it by hand.

According to him, after proficiency, the large bundle can be completed in about 10 minutes, and the small bundle takes less. On June 6, he brought a handmade bouquet of handmade college entrance examination bouquets to the vicinity of the NPC High School Entrance Examination Center, and several other students also went to other test centers. On the same day, he sold 7 bunches alone.

Parents care about "good color heads" Candidates want to maintain a calm mind

On the day of the exam, saw many parents holding flowers waiting to welcome candidates. Seeing the "sunflower" and the slogan in Xiao Yang's hand, a mother who had not prepared a bouquet immediately decided to buy it.

Another parent, Ms. Liang, bought a bouquet of flowers for her brother for 98 yuan. She believes that this way can make her brother feel the care and blessing of his family more directly after walking out of the examination room.

In addition to "winning the championship in one fell swoop", there are also clothing and accessories such as "winning the battle" and "going to glory" are also popular among the parents of candidates. What to wear on this day of the college entrance examination has become a big question left for the parents of candidates, and the "scope of examination" can also be said to be from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside.

The picture shows Wei Xianghui, a parent wearing a "full pair T-shirt" and cheongsam

Also struggling with this are merchants. Sportswear brands have become the gold medal choice for parents because of the "tick" logo, and the "All Pair T-shirt" launched this year is even more popular.

According to the official flagship store on an e-commerce platform, the monthly sales of "All Pair T-shirts" with a price tag of 249 yuan have exceeded 9000,<> pieces. saw a number of male parents wearing near the examination room.

Mr. Zhang bought an "all-pair T-shirt" for himself and his son, who took the college entrance examination this year. But he told that the child finally decided not to wear the dress before the exam.

"We parents want to be lucky, but the children don't feel the need to be special, so they still wear school uniforms as usual." Mr. Zhang said that the clothes were bought half a month ago, but a week ago, the child came back and mentioned that this was not necessary, including the school teacher also reminded parents that the more they go to the exam, the more they must maintain a normal mind, and excessive preparation may cause nervousness.

After the first day of the Chinese exam, Mr. Zhang's son walked out of the examination room not long after. "It feels good, don't worry." He said to his parents. (End)