In summer, the temperature rises, children go out and go out, and they are prone to some diseases, such as respiratory syncytial virus infection, allergies, etc. How to prevent it? The reporter interviewed relevant experts of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital.

"Respiratory syncytial viruses are similar to influenza viruses in that they are respiratory viral infections." Hui Qin, attending physician of the Department of Pediatrics of China-Japan Friendship Hospital, said that respiratory syncytial virus has a year-round and is easy to cause upper and lower respiratory tract infections in children. For older children, the virus mainly affects the upper respiratory tract, manifested as fever, sore throat, nasal congestion, cough, etc.; In younger children, especially infants under 3 years of age, the virus causes bronchiolitis infection. For the vast majority of children, the prognosis is good, and there is a trend of self-remission in about two weeks, provided that there is no other bacterial infection or other mycoplasma in the course of the disease, mixed with other pathogenic infections.

Your child infected with RSV requires symptomatic treatment. Hui Qin said that if the child has a fever, some fever-reducing drugs can be used appropriately; If the cough is severe, some cough medications can be used; If accompanied by significant wheezing or cough, which seriously affects the quality of life, nebulization therapy can be used, and if the effect of atomization therapy in infants and young children is not good, some intravenous asthmatic drugs can be used to control wheezing.

"Respiratory syncytial virus has no specific antiviral drugs, the focus is on prevention." Hui Qin suggested that go to places with many densely populated or more closed places, and if you go to hospitals, subways and other crowded and closed spaces, try to wear masks for your children. At the same time, children should be reminded to wash their hands frequently to avoid infection of syncytial virus through the mouth and nose. If one child in the family is already infected, ventilate as much as possible to avoid close contact with other children.

Recently, the number of children with bronchial pneumonia has increased, and some children need parental help for atomization treatment. Zheng Zhi, deputy director of the nursing department of China-Japan Friendship Hospital, reminded that for children who can understand and communicate, they can explain and comfort the child before the atomization treatment, and let the child cooperate. Before aerosolization treatment, it is not advisable to give the child too much food to prevent coughing, vomiting, and aspiration during the process. The time for atomization treatment should not be too long, 10-15 minutes each time. During the atomization treatment, try to keep the child sitting, semi-sitting, or lying on his side, preferably not lying flat. Some children cry or do not cooperate with atomization treatment, can be done when the child is asleep, but must pay attention to whether the child's breathing is steady, whether there is coughing, if there is choking, should stop immediately, the child's mouth and nose secretions are cleared before doing.

In summer, mosquitoes increase, and some children are prone to allergies. Hui Qin said that because the child ate a certain food, went to a certain environment, and touched a certain object, he developed anaphylactic shock, nasal congestion, and difficulty breathing; Some children have chronic respiratory diseases, such as allergic rhinitis, adenoid hypertrophy or asthma, repeated rashes, urticaria, etc., it is recommended that parents bring their children to the hospital for allergen testing to help children avoid allergens.