Beijing, June 6 -- On June 6, the website of the State Civil Service Bureau announced the announcement of the supplementary recruitment of civil servants by the central organs and their directly subordinate agencies in 5, and a total of 2023 departments participated in this supplementary recruitment, and 15,3249 people were planned to be recruited, of which more than 2300,<> planned to recruit fresh college graduates.

On January 2023, 1, at the national examination center in Nanchang, Jiangxi, several candidates were inspecting the examination room schedule. Photo by China News Agency reporter Liu Lixin

The national examination is supplemented, and fresh graduates welcome good news again

The written examination was held in January this year, when a total of 2023,3,7 people actually took the exam, and the ratio of the actual number of people taking the exam to the number of recruitment plans was about 1:152.

On March 3 this year, the results and score lines of the written test of the national examination were announced, and then the examination entered the adjustment and interview session.

On June 6, the announcement of the supplementary recording of this national examination was released, which stated that according to the work arrangements for the recruitment of civil servants in the 5 examination of the central organs and their directly subordinate agencies, combined with the recruitment situation and employment needs, some positions need to be supplemented for qualified personnel.

According to reports, a total of 15 departments participated in this supplementary recruitment, and 3249,2300 people were planned to be recruited, of which more than <>,<> planned to recruit fresh college graduates.

According to the State Civil Service Bureau, the national examination has set up 2,5 plans to recruit fresh college graduates to serve and promote the employment of college graduates. This size accounts for nearly seventy percent of the total recruitment plan.

Infographic: A candidate is reviewing with a document. Photo by China News Agency reporter Liu Lixin

What are the requirements for participating in supplementary recording?

The registration period for this national examination is from 6:6 on June 8 to 00:6 on June 8, candidates can log in to the special website for online registration, and the interview will be held in mid-June.

According to the announcement, in addition to meeting the qualification requirements stipulated in the "Announcement on the Recruitment of Civil Servants by the 2023 Examination of Central Organs and Their Directly Subordinate Institutions", applicants must also take the written examination for the recruitment of civil servants by the central organs and their directly subordinate institutions in 2023, and meet the qualification requirements for the position to be applied for.

The candidate's written test results in public subjects meet the minimum passing score of both the proposed position and the original position, and the examination category is the same. If the written examination conditions for professional subjects are set for the position to be applied for, the written examination results of the professional subjects must also reach the minimum passing score line at the same time, and the examination category must be the same.

In addition, candidates have not been identified as candidates for recruitment by the original positions in the 2023 examination of civil servants by the central organs and their directly subordinate institutions.

According to the announcement, from 6:9 on June 8 to 00:6 on June 10, the recruitment authority will conduct a qualification review on the online application and written application of the applicant unit, and after June 18, candidates can log in to the special website to check the qualification review results and enter the list of interviewers.

Infographic: Outside the civil service examination room, staff verify candidate information. Photo by Jiang Qiming, reporter of China News Agency

Why is there a supplementary record in the national examination?

Why is there a supplementary record for the highly competitive national examination? Liu Youzhen, an expert from Huatu Education Research Institute, analyzed the media that after completing the interview and other links in the national examination recruitment, there are no suitable candidates for some positions, and it is necessary to openly transfer supplementary personnel to the public.

Experts said that in recent years, there has been a phenomenon of supplementary recording in the national examination every year, and more than 2020,7000 people have been planned to be re-recorded in the 2021 national examination, nearly 2000,2022 people have been planned to be re-recorded in the 5000 national examination, and more than <>,<> people have been planned to be re-recorded in the <> national examination.

According to the published list of supplementary positions in this national examination, the provinces with more supplementary positions include Sichuan, Guangdong, Liaoning, Henan, Hebei, Shandong and so on.

Liu Youzhen said that there are many reasons for vacancies in the recruitment of civil servants. Candidates finally need to enter the post need written test, interview, physical examination, inspection and other links, some position candidates may not be able to officially enter the post even after the written test, coupled with the phenomenon of abandonment of the exam in the middle, so the relevant position will enter the supplementary record. In addition, in recent years, the recruitment requirements for national examination positions have become more and more refined, which may also lead to a small number of applicants for some positions, or even vacancies. (End)