Increase physical exercise time and cultivate correct eye habits (prevention and control of myopia in adolescents (3))

Core reading

School is an important part of protecting your child's eyesight. Primary and secondary schools in various regions have taken many measures: implement classroom lighting and lighting requirements, and introduce professional vision testing institutions; Organize students to do eye exercises and strengthen physical exercise; Offering eye health education courses, inviting ophthalmologists to the school to give lectures... Only by combining improving hardware facilities, standardizing daily teaching, and strengthening publicity and education can schools play an important role in the prevention and control of adolescent myopia.

Improving hardware facilities -

Optimize the visual environment

Create a vision profile

At 10 a.m., it was gloomy outside, and the second (3rd) class of the No. 9 Experimental Middle School in Meihekou City, Jilin Province was in class. Looking up, there are nine rectangular headlights hanging from the roof of the shed, the lighting is soft, and the corner of the classroom is still bright.

"This is a newly installed eye-protection light, and the design drawings are personalized according to the dimensions of each school's classroom, ensuring that the lighting in every corner is up to standard." Principal Zhang Chunyan explained. Meihekou No. 70 Experimental Middle School was founded in the 24s of the last century, and the equipment was old in the past, "The incandescent lamps used before, some of them were stroboscopic, and some were dazzling. At the end of last year, the school was included in the Jilin Province classroom lighting renovation project, and all <> classrooms were replaced with eye protection lights.

Zhang Chunyan said: "During the school period, students use their eyes intensely. The classroom hardware is not good, which is easy to induce bad habits such as hunchback and squinting. Therefore, in addition to government renovation, schools should also pay attention to it. "Through consulting experts and field experience, the school took the initiative to carry out visual hazard analysis in the classroom, and completed the replacement of hardware such as light-shaded light white gauze curtains, height-adjustable tables and chairs." The school also organizes students to adjust their seats every week, not only moving left and right, but also switching between the front and back rows to constantly change the distance of vision. ”

"In order to ensure that the classrooms are lit, we designed all the classrooms to face south. And appropriately reduce the height of the window sill to expand the glass area as much as possible. At 4:15 p.m., walking into the newly built Meihe New District Boya Experimental School, sunlight can be seen in the classroom, and the principal Zheng Xin introduced.

There were textbooks and school-based materials on the classroom table, and when they were turned over, the paper was pale yellow and clearly printed, "According to the requirements of the education department, we uniformly purchase genuine teaching materials." When designing a school book, in addition to choosing eye-care paper and expanding the font size, we will also pay attention to the matching of pictures and text to avoid eye fatigue. Teachers should also pay attention to the teaching aids purchased by students in a timely manner, and prompt them when they find problems such as piracy and too small font size. Zheng Xin said.

"Students, let's put the 'simulator' in front of our eyes, this is the world of myopia 200 degrees." In the health care room of Jiefang Street Central Primary School in Meihekou City, student volunteers explain the use of vision training equipment to students. Looking around, electronic standard logarithmic eye charts, vision training tools, etc. are neatly arranged. The school is also equipped with two full-time health workers, and vision tests are organized twice a year.

The logarithmic eye chart is simple and convenient, but it cannot detect myopia, astigmatism and other problems, and the price of computer refractometers is high, and most schools are difficult to afford. "In order to make up for the shortcomings of hardware facilities, the school has established contact with professional testing institutions, which provide equipment and conduct free testing twice a year when entering the school. According to the test data, the school establishes a vision file for each student, and promptly notifies parents after discovering problems, so as to achieve early detection and early intervention of vision problems. Wang Jinrong, principal of Jiefang Street Central Primary School in Meihekou City, said.

Standardize daily teaching——

Do eye exercises

Physical education courses were added

At 9:45 a.m., at Qinhuangtai Central School in Bincheng District, Binzhou City, Shandong Province, eye exercise music sounded. The children sat upright, closed their eyes gently, adjusted their breathing, and with the password, a pair of small hands rhythmically kneaded the acupuncture points.

Prevention of myopia is greater than cure. Since 2021, the prevention and control of myopia in Bincheng District has been included in the key tasks of the construction of "Healthy Bincheng" and the government's annual assessment rules, detailing the responsibility for myopia prevention and control, doing a good job in daily teaching intervention on campus, and strictly organizing primary and secondary school students to do eye exercises once a day in the morning and afternoon.

"According to the requirements of the district, we carefully implement the eye exercise process, actively carry out eye exercise and sitting posture evaluation, and ensure that students master the essentials and correct posture; Incorporate eye exercises into the class schedule, organize teachers to conduct on-site inspections and supervision, and ensure that eye exercises are in place for quality, quantity and standardization. Du Hongjian, director of moral education at Qinhuangtai Central School, introduced. At present, the coverage rate of eye exercises in primary and secondary schools in Bincheng District has reached 100%. In April this year, Bincheng District was selected as a pilot for the prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents in Shandong Province.

Say no to "little glasses" and increase outdoor time. Walking into Boxing County Experimental Primary School in Binzhou City, on the playground, several students are waving rackets, stepping up to rub the ball, pulling the ball backwards, with flexible footwork and appearance.

Table tennis is a traditional sport in Boxing County Experimental Primary School. In order to take care of the children's eyes, the school has added a table tennis class every week in addition to the regular physical education classes, where professional teachers teach students table tennis skills, and compile their own special table tennis, colorful rope exercises and other course content to guide students out of the classroom and relieve eye fatigue.

"Schools integrate myopia prevention and control into classroom teaching, campus culture and daily behavior norms. Since 2018, the myopia rate of our students has shown a downward trend year by year. Zhang Qingming, principal of Boxing County Experimental Primary School, said.

Jinan Huibo Primary School is also working "increase", promoting the "awakening tendon yuan" vision exercise under the guidance of the concept of traditional Chinese medicine in the school, and creating a two-exercise model combining eye exercise and vision exercise. At the same time, the school has also established a health data file for students, taking "height, weight, vision, lung capacity, sleep" as the basic data of health, encrypting the frequency of monitoring, formulating personalized exercise plans according to students' visual conditions, and carrying out layered physical exercise.

"To reduce the burden on students' eyes, we must also do a good job of 'reducing' articles." Yang Jingqin, principal of Huibo Primary School, introduced that the school's myopia prevention and control work is included in the annual key task list as a "breakthrough project for the secretary of the general branch of the party". Since the implementation of the "double reduction" policy, in order to effectively do a good job in the prevention and control of students' myopia, the school has strictly controlled the total amount of homework, and the class teacher is responsible for coordinating and coordinating the grade group, and publicizing the homework of each subject every day to eliminate the phenomenon of overdose. At the same time, it optimizes the hierarchical homework settings and adopts the homework design mode that combines mandatory and optional to promote students' high-quality personalized learning.

In 2023, Huibo Primary School was identified as a pilot school for myopia prevention and control in Jinan. Yang Jingqin said that in the future, the school will further do a good job in moving the threshold forward, work daily teaching management, and help children develop good eye habits.

Strengthen publicity and education -

Eye protection courses are offered

Organize expert presentations

"Students, just now we understand the role of the eyes and the causes of myopia, let's talk about how to protect our eyes?" On the afternoon of April 4, in the third grade (21) class of Changqing Primary School in Xinyu, Jiangxi Province, the teacher of the health education class threw out questions and raised small hands under the podium.

"I know! Don't write homework in dim light", "Do more outdoor activities", "Don't always play with your phone"... The students rushed to answer, and the atmosphere in the class was warm. "Teachers often teach us eye care, and I have changed a lot of bad eye habits." After class, student Ou Huijun said.

"Primary school is a key stage to develop good eye care habits." Deng Shusong, principal of Changqing Primary School, introduced that healthy eye habits can not be developed in a year and a half, and Changqing Primary School conducts eye health education according to students' age and cognitive characteristics: the first and second grades are mainly the correct pen holding, sitting posture and eye exercise learning and training; The focus of the third and fourth grades is to understand the knowledge of eye protection and myopia prevention, learn to use eyes reasonably, control the time spent looking at electronic products and playing games; In the fifth and sixth grades, they will scientifically understand the relevant knowledge of eye formation, myopia formation and correction, and strengthen correct eye habits.

Xinyu City is a national pilot area for the prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents, "We have opened a health education course, stipulating that each school should use eye health education for no less than 6 hours per semester, and normalize and standardize the cultivation of students' good eye behavior." The relevant person in charge of the Xinyu City Education Bureau introduced.

"Why can doing more outdoor activities effectively prevent myopia? First of all, reduce the time of close eye use and relieve eye fatigue; Secondly, outdoor sunlight can promote dopamine secretion and help prevent myopia..." A few days ago, the Honggutan Branch of the Affiliated Primary School of Nanchang University held a myopia prevention and control seminar, and Liao Hongfei, vice president of the Affiliated Eye Hospital of Nanchang University, answered 30 questions about myopia prevention and control.

On stage, Liao Hongfei explained with simple and easy-to-understand language and vivid pictures; Under the stage, the lecture hall, which can accommodate more than 500 people, was full, and the teachers and students listened carefully. "The distance between the eye and the book is kept at about 30 cm; I can't lie in bed and read..." The notebook of Hu Tianyu, a classmate in the fourth grade (1) class, was full of writing.

"The expert preaching is more in-depth and persuasive." Zeng Ronghua, president of the school, introduced that the school will invite experts from Nanchang University School of Medicine, Nanchang University Eye Hospital and other units to give lectures every semester to systematically explain the knowledge of myopia prevention and control for students, so that eye care has become a habit and consciousness of students.

For myopia prevention and control, rural areas are often the weak link. In Liuche Middle School, Liuche Town, Xunwu County, Ganzhou City, the school organized a parent-teacher meeting on the prevention and control of myopia among adolescents for the first time. At the parent-teacher meeting, Dr. Huang Haitao from Xunwu County People's Hospital explained to parents the basic knowledge of myopia classification, myopia causes, symptoms of myopia and other basic knowledge in simple terms by showing slides, playing videos, and telling cases.

"It turns out that myopia is so harmful. If the child is short-sighted, changing glasses frequently is also a big expense. Chen Shuchun, a parent of a third-year student at Liuche Middle School, used to be unimpressed by his child's eyesight. After the parent-teacher meeting, he and the reporter counted the gains: "We must often remind children to get up and rest every 40 minutes or so to read their writing homework; The lights in the home should not be too dim; Pay attention to a balanced diet and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables..."

"In rural areas, poor visual environment and unhealthy visual behavior are easy to cause myopia, and many parents do not pay enough attention to it and are not aware of the harm of myopia. Family is an important environment for students' learning and growth, and to prevent and control myopia, home-school linkage must form a joint force. Huang Haitao said.

(People's Daily reporter Liu Yiqing, Li Rui, Zhou Huan)