Yasmina Kattou / Photo credit: HANNES P ALBERT / DPA / DPA PICTURE-ALLIANCE VIA AFP 06:05, May 31, 2023

According to a France Public Health report published on Wednesday, in 2022 the country had nearly 12 million smokers daily; i.e. more than three out of ten French people. And despite the different methods to quit smoking, it can be difficult to succeed in the long run. But then what is the best way now? Europe 1 interviewed a tobacco specialist.

It's World No Tobacco Day. And among the millions of French smokers - nearly 12 million according to a report by Public Health France - many want to quit without necessarily succeeding. They would still be six out of ten smokers to have tried to quit smoking, or to have expressed the desire to do so according to the 2021 Public Health France barometer. Several methods are recommended, but which is the most effective? Europe 1 takes stock.

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Vary substitutes

The right technique is, according to specialists, to combine several nicotine substitutes. "The best way not to suffer from withdrawal when you quit smoking is to have the combination of patches and oral forms of nicotine such as gums, lozenges, inhaler or mouth spray. The vape or electronic cigarette allows a rapid supply of nicotine and it can be associated with patches to avoid being a vape smoker for example, "says Marion Adler, tobacco specialist.

The most important thing to last over time: have your right dose of nicotine. "If we don't have the right dose, it's like offering pediatric crutches to an adult who is 1m90. A smoker of two packs a day will not be helped enough with a single patch, he will have to put two patches in addition to the rapid nicotine intakes, "she adds. There is no maximum limit for a nicotine dosage, assures the tobaccologist. On the other hand, headaches or nausea, signs of overdose, should push you to reduce the amount of nicotine.