Ensure children's exercise time and regularly carry out myopia screening (prevention and control of myopia in adolescents (2))

Core reading

To do a good job in the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents, education, health, sports and other departments need to take their own responsibilities: compacting school responsibilities and ensuring children's sports time; Do a good job of myopia screening, find abnormalities and intervene in time; Carry out various events and activities to provide more places for young people to exercise. Only a multi-pronged and comprehensive approach can create a learning environment that meets the requirements of scientific eye use for students and help children develop good eye habits.

Education Sector -

Schools that are not effective in preventing and controlling myopia

Do not crowd out time for physical activities

As a national pilot area for the prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents in 2022, Shapingba District of Chongqing has continuously improved the myopia prevention and control system, and the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents in the region has decreased by 3.1% in the past three years.

The person in charge of the Shapingba District Education Committee introduced that the District Education Commission has strengthened monitoring and management, established a "student health management platform", and regularly carried out sentinel vision monitoring, and the coverage rate of vision health screening has reached 100%. In order to urge schools to pay attention to protecting students' eyesight, the District Education Committee also included the prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents in school performance evaluations, and clearly held accountable schools whose overall myopia rate of children and adolescents has increased for three consecutive years.

At the same time, Shapingba District actively improves the teaching environment and has invested more than 2000 million yuan to implement the standardized transformation of classroom lighting. Implement the "double reduction policy", hold the district-wide physical health competition for 14 consecutive years, expand and enrich the form and content of "exercise for 1 hour a day", implement the sports homework system for students during winter and summer vacations, ensure adequate sleep, relieve eye fatigue, and escort eye health.

At present, all primary schools in Qinghai Province have four lessons per week for grades 4 to 3, three lessons per week for grades 2 to 1 and junior high schools, and two hours of physical education per week for high schools.

"At the same time, reasonably arrange students' physical activity time, and strive to ensure that students have one hour of physical activity time inside and outside school every day." The relevant person in charge of the Physical Health and Art Department of the Qinghai Provincial Department of Education said, "In addition, we also named a number of traditional sports schools through evaluation, focusing on popularizing basketball, football, volleyball, swimming and other sports and traditional national sports, cultivating students to master 1-1 sports skills, helping students enjoy fun in physical exercise, enhance physical fitness, and develop the habit of lifelong exercise." ”

A few days ago, the Ministry of Education issued the 2023 National Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Myopia in Children and Adolescents Key Work Plan, clearly encouraging colleges and universities, especially medical schools and higher normal colleges, to open optometry, health management, health education related majors, and vigorously cultivate myopia prevention and control, vision health management professionals and health education teachers.

Ren Wenjun, Director of the Higher Education Department of the Anhui Provincial Department of Education, said: "In recent years, we have attached great importance to the cultivation of talents in the fields of myopia prevention and control, vision health management and other fields, on the one hand, we have encouraged colleges and universities in the province to combine the positioning and advantages of running schools to add optometry and health management related majors; On the other hand, it supports the establishment of a number of provincial-level quality engineering projects in colleges and universities such as optometry-related modern apprenticeships and industry-education integration training bases, encourages colleges and universities in the province and optometry related enterprises and institutions to carry out order training, promotes school talent training and teaching mode reform, and realizes the seamless connection of education and employment. ”

Up to now, a total of 2 undergraduate colleges and universities in Anhui Province have opened 2 undergraduate majors in optometry medicine and optometry, and 4 vocational colleges have opened 4 specialties such as optometry technology and optometry instrument technology.

Health Department——

Periodic triage screening for myopia

Do a good job of training primary ophthalmologists

In recent years, the prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents has become the focus of common attention of schools, society and families, as well as governments at all levels. Myopia screening and monitoring of visual influencing factors is the first line of defense to protect vision health, and the detection of abnormalities in this line of defense and timely treatment can effectively prevent non-myopic children from becoming myopic and myopic children from becoming highly myopic.

Yang Hui, secretary of the party group and director of the Health Commission of Xingtai City, Hebei Province, introduced that in the past two years, the local government has regularly carried out myopia screening and monitoring of visual influencing factors in kindergartens, primary schools, junior high schools and high schools in various counties (cities and districts).

In the process of vision monitoring, medical staff carefully do vision screening and refractive testing for students with the help of electronic eye charts, computerized refractometers and other instruments, record the visual development of each student in detail, communicate face-to-face with students with abnormal conditions to understand the factors affecting vision, and timely communicate the results of the survey with schools and families, and teach students and parents to master myopia interventions. At the same time, professionals will be arranged to review, summarize, analyze and evaluate a large amount of monitoring information, grasp the basic situation of myopia among children and adolescents in the city, and timely report scientific, reasonable and accurate conclusions.

"In 2022, Anhui Province deployed and implemented 10 actions to warm the hearts of the people. Wuhu City includes the Eye Health Initiative for Children and Adolescents. Chen Hao, head of the disease control department of the Wuhu City Health Commission in Anhui Province, introduced that the action plan requires strengthening the training of medical staff on myopia prevention and control knowledge and skills, and improving the level of myopia prevention and control in children and adolescents.

Since last year, relying on the Municipal Adolescent Myopia Prevention and Control Center and the Municipal Eye Hospital, Wuhu has carried out more than two phases of ophthalmic professional knowledge training for ophthalmologists and general practitioners in the city's community health service centers every year. In addition, Wuhu also regularly organizes ophthalmologists and general practitioners from community health service centers to exchange and study in the municipal eye hospital, and the number of participants has also been expanded to the whole city. After returning to the original unit, doctors can carry out ophthalmic examinations when carrying out health care work for children aged 2-0 and physical examinations of students, timely detect ophthalmic diseases in children and adolescents, and carry out basic treatment, and refer them if necessary, so as to achieve early intervention and early treatment.

"Next, we will further increase the training of grassroots ophthalmic medical staff, effectively improve their level of myopia prevention and treatment in children and adolescents, and give children a brighter future." Chen Hao said.

In order to improve the awareness of myopia prevention among adolescents and develop good eye habits, the Chongqing Matjiang County Health Commission guided the county people's hospital to organize myopia prevention and control publicity activities.

According to the staff of the Matjiang County Health Commission, optometrists and ophthalmologists went to primary schools to explain the structure of the eyes and the causes of myopia, guide the children to use the eyes correctly and healthily, and create a good atmosphere for eye love and eye protection. In addition to schools, Matjiang County also pays attention to science popularization in the whole society, taking the National Eye Day, Student Nutrition Day and other health theme publicity days as an opportunity, Matjiang County People's Hospital organized staff to go to various places for free consultations, distribute leaflets, and conduct on-site explanations and publicity.

Sports Department –

Carry out various sports events

Provide a playground for teenagers

Strengthening physical exercise is an effective way to prevent and control myopia. "At present, the vision problems of adolescents are attracting more and more public attention, and one of the main reasons for their vision loss and high incidence of myopia is the excessive use of electronic products and the lack of physical exercise, resulting in excessive eye fatigue." Ge Wei, director of the competitive sports department of the Hefei Sports Bureau in Anhui Province, said.

In recent years, Hefei Sports Bureau has strengthened cooperation with education and other departments, and holds more than 20 "sunshine sports" competitions in primary and secondary schools every year, with more than 1,10 participants and more than <>,<> people. Primary and secondary schools in the city take sports competitions as the starting point, carry out various sports activities according to local conditions, and create a good campus sports atmosphere. "We also actively guide and support social forces to carry out various sports events, guide young people to go out of the classroom and participate in sports, enhance their physical fitness and help them prevent myopia." Ge Wei said.

Ren Weiwei, secretary of the party group and director of the Shijiazhuang Sports Bureau in Hebei Province, said that in recent years, in order to meet the needs of the masses for nearby and convenient sports and create more extracurricular exercise venues and spaces for teenagers, Shijiazhuang City has used street vacant land, demolished illegal vacated land, park green space and other corner land and idle land to build ball sports venues, fitness trails and other facilities. In 2022 alone, 209 new ball venues will be built, and 1755,15 fitness facilities around the masses will be updated, so that the coverage rate of the city's "100-minute fitness circle" will reach <>%.

Relying on more and more complete sports facilities, Shijiazhuang City also vigorously promotes youth sports and promotes professional forces to participate in sports after-school services. Especially since last year, the construction of the tennis hall of Shijiazhuang National Fitness Center has been completed, the youth football training base has been put into use, and all primary and secondary schools have also taken sports activity courses as one of the basic forms of after-school services, effectively meeting the needs of youth sports training and fitness.

Wang Shaoshuai, deputy director of the Group (Youth and Youth Division) Division of Qinghai Sports Bureau, introduced that in terms of sports, it is necessary to continuously strengthen the school's physical education teachers, improve the system for schools to hire outstanding retired athletes as physical education teachers or coaches, set up full-time (part-time) coach positions in universities, primary and secondary schools, solve problems such as students' low enthusiasm for sports and weak professionalism in physical education courses, and let healthy seeds take root in the hearts of teachers and students.

(People's Daily reporter Liu Xinwu, Jia Fengfeng, Li Junjie, Shao Yuzi)