【Commentary】With the sound of drums, the two red and yellow lions sometimes looked up, sometimes looked down, sometimes turned and crawled, sometimes jumped high... On May 5, in the training room of traditional ethnic sports of Anhui Sports Vocational and Technical College, grade 29 student Niannian was training with his classmates for lion dance.

【During the same period】Anhui Sports Vocational and Technical College majoring in traditional national sports

When I was a child, I liked to watch movies, and then I saw the lion dance in the movie, and I felt very majestic and domineering, and then after I went to college, it happened that our school had this major, and I came to it.

【Commentary】Nian Fusheng, born in 1992, is currently working as a teacher of dragon and lion dance at Anhui Sports Vocational and Technical College, and since he raised the "lion's head" at the age of 6, he has embarked on the road of learning and inheriting dragon and lion dance, juggling, ancient color tricks and other skills, and has been 24 years.

【During the same period】Anhui Sports Vocational and Technical College teacher Nian Fusheng

Now there are fifty or sixty people learning the lion dance project, so we have been teaching the lion dance from the basic skills of the southern lion, then the lion love and lion state, and our technical difficulty. Then it can be seen from the students' interest in learning that young people now also like our traditional national sports.

【Commentary】According to Nian Fusheng, lion dance is an excellent folk art in China, also known as "Taiping Music" in ancient times, and the performance content mostly expresses the pursuit of joy and auspiciousness. Although there are northern and southern factions in lion dance, the skills of the two have their own merits. With more than 20 years of experience, he also understands that the inheritance of lion dance should work together from the aspects of college teaching and social performance.

【 During the same period】Anhui Sports Vocational and Technical College teacher Nian Fusheng

From the cultural level (aspect), it is a folk literary project, then from the sports aspect, it is a national traditional sports project, after all, I am also our non-genetic inheritor, then I want to enter this skill into the university, pass on this skill, so that more college students, more students, scholars to discuss the dragon and lion dance project, to learn the dragon and lion dance project.

【Commentary】One minute on stage, ten years off stage. Although the training is very hard, as more and more students choose ethnic sports-related majors, and the education department pays more attention to the teaching and promotion of traditional skills, Nian Fusheng firmly believes that as long as the social awareness is continuously broadened, the non-genetic inheritance of lion dance skills will be more promising.

【During the same period】Anhui Sports Vocational and Technical College majoring in traditional national sports

Although our training is a little hard and sometimes tired, as an excellent traditional Chinese national culture, I think we young people should pass it on and inherit it, so that more people can understand it.

【During the same period】Anhui Sports Vocational and Technical College teacher Nian Fusheng

At present, our school has formed a certain team building, so that more students can learn this skill, pass on this skill, and realize our inheritance. Let students enter primary and secondary schools to teach and pass on dragon and lion dance skills. Let students go into the society, participate in public welfare activities, and better demonstrate the skills of dragon and lion dance.

Reporting by Liu Honghe and Cheng Chen in Hefei, Anhui

Responsible Editor: [Zhou Chi]