Since bears usually appear in urban areas in June, the Ministry of the Environment is calling for the proper management of food waste and fruit trees, which can attract bears.

According to the Ministry of the Environment, there were more than 1,1 bear sightings nationwide last fiscal year, the lowest number in the previous five years.

Since acorns, which are food for bears, were abundant in the mountains, it seems that the number of haunts in urban areas has decreased.

Among them, June is usually the time when information on bears increases due to the breeding season and their behavior becomes active, and last year there were more than 5,6 cases, the highest number throughout the year.

Already this month, a man believed to have been attacked by a bear on the shore of a lake in Horokanai Town, Hokkaido, has died, and bear sightings have been reported one after another in Hokkaido and Iwate Prefecture.

The Ministry of the Environment calls for proper management of food waste and fruit trees in houses that are more likely to attract bears looking for food, especially for people living near mountain forests, and to clear undergrowth and shrubs where bears are likely to hide, in order to avoid bear infestation and damage.

In addition, when entering the mountains, such as picking wild vegetables, we urge people to avoid acting alone, carry tin or other noisy objects, and if they encounter bears, they should keep a calm distance and leave the place quietly, such as slowly retreating while watching bears.