【Commentary】The "Four Seasons Children's Reading" 2023 Summer Volume Release Conference, jointly hosted by the Children's Museum of the National Library and the Children's Library of Fujian Province, was held in Fuzhou on May 5.

【Commentary】The 2023 recommended books list of the 29 summer volume of "Four Seasons Children's Reading" continues to adhere to the principles of graded classification, balance and balance, objectivity and justice, and selects newly published excellent books for children for the four different age stages of preschool, early primary school, upper primary school and junior high school, focusing on the three themes of humanities, popular science and literature. Li Xiaoming, director of the Children's Library of the National Library, told reporters that in order to ensure the professionalism and authority of the recommended book list, the selection of the summer volume list specially invited a number of experts and scholars from the book publishing industry, education and library fields to form a review team to check the quality of the recommended book list.

Li Xiaoming, Director of the Children's Library of the National Library

For such a selection of new books that we have published in the last three or four months, taking into account balance, and then maintaining objectivity and impartiality, then such a principle to do our summer book list. Literature, humanities, popular science, our such a category, we are a total of 29, to our public to recommend our newly published such a new book.

【Commentary】The reporter saw in the Fujian Provincial Children's Library that around the "Four Seasons Children's Reading" summer volume book list, Fujian Provincial Children's Library actively planned and carried out a series of reading promotion activities, in addition to summer volume exhibitions, book shelves and reading challenges, the promotion of related children's books will be integrated into daily promotion activities. Combined with the "Four Seasons Children's Reading" book list, special services are launched by age classification.

Li Xiaoming, director of the Children's Library of the National Library

I hope that our national library can also play such a leading and exemplary role, so as to fill such a gap in our domestic library's recommended reading list, and we also hope that we can use a book list like ours to provide parents with a reference and guidance for reading this library that the school gives us.

The reporter learned that the "Four Seasons Children's Reading" project of the National Library of China is funded and supported by the Beijing National Library Development Foundation, and has received extensive attention and active participation from all walks of life since its release in February. At present, the project has carried out interlibrary cooperation with more than 2 local libraries across the country, formed a communication synergy through new media service platforms, deepened and strengthened inter-library exchanges and cooperation, and continuously met the needs of children for high-quality reading resources.

Sun Yigang, Chairman of the National Library Development Foundation of Beijing

We at the National Library Foundation are also working with these social figures who are enthusiastic about the field of public culture from all walks of life to jointly promote, plan and implement some activities related to reading for all, I hope that everyone can help each other, empower each other, and achieve this win-win situation, widely mobilize social forces and funds to promote the development of librarianship, including the National Library, and the development of other cultural undertakings, so that the fragrance of this book will fill the earth and make this reading everywhere.

Reporter Wu Shengwei reported from Fuzhou, Fujian

Responsible Editor: [Luo Pan]