
Before you get involved in reading, I warn you; I have not found a definitive answer to this question!

Do not wait or expect a satisfactory response;


We cannot stay like this, following with sorrow the news of our countries: Yemen, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, etc., thinking a lot about what we should do, and we find that we cannot do anything; they have tightened the siege around us, and decided to shut us up completely; in the hope of killing our dreams of freedom, justice and equality, they closed all doors in front of us, offering us their options; to be a slave, a silent devil from the truth, a prisoner, or an immigrant.

We are completely helpless, angry to the point of explosion, broken, with our heads down, we see in a live broadcast what is going on – if we ourselves are not part of what is going on – and then we are unable to do anything, anything.

I remember Muslims in their republics during the Soviet Union, as the authorities criminalized everything and banned everything related to religion, until the rosary was forbidden, so the faithful among them resorted to the "rooms", so they decided to suffice with memorizing the Qur'an for their children.

I think like this.

We should not consume this mighty energy of anger we have in complaining and lamenting the situation and cursing the perpetrators, we must take out this energy in the form of action, some action, even if it is limited, with which we lift this pain, and claim that we have done what we can, absolved it before God Almighty, and then in front of our children, an action, even if it is limited, it is better than playing the role of the blind deaf mute.

Collective action is undoubtedly the most effective and fastest, but it seems that it is not an option now, or say: the magnitude of the risks is great, and people burdened with poverty and constraints cannot afford its consequences.


There is a possible solution!

If we can't change them, let's change ourselves first, and the truth is that they won't change until we change, and each has its own way.

The masks that fell during the Arab Spring seasons not only fell from religious, national, opposition figures, artists, writers and others, but from all of us.

All the diseases we fight against we suffer, although not as severe.

We were demanding that leadership be assigned to the youth, while religious and national organizations assigned it to their old people.

We were demanding freedom of expression, while attacking and betraying anyone who disagreed with us.

We talk about justice, while we only achieve it with those who agree with us.

We condemn corruption and we are mired in it in one form or another.

So we need a revolution, this time a revolution against ourselves.

If the word "revolution" carries many sensitivities for some, let's say: we need to emigrate; we emigrate while we are in our country, leaving all the concepts that besieged and enslaved us more than our rulers, once in the name of religion, and once in the name of the homeland, and religion and the homeland are innocent of it.

We need to be reborn, to remake ourselves, to educate ourselves, to be faithful to the principles we uphold, and to apply them to ourselves first.

We do not wait for a solution from heaven, the issue is clear: "God does not change what people do until they change what is in themselves" [Thunder: 11].

We need to break down all the prisons we built ourselves for ourselves.

We dig the ground even with a needle. Then we escape. Run.

We need to go too far.

To do the act of the migrant, who abandons his surroundings, and goes to another, hopes that it will be better.

We need to stop talking and prolong the silence.

That we work the mind a lot not the tongue.

To spend more time with ourselves.

To actually make decisions, not to keep dreaming about them.

Honestly... We need to be brave.

Will this tyrant fall?

Yes... But in the long run.

When we are strong on the individual level, we will be strong on the collective level, and we will then find a thousand solutions outside the box.

We will not be strong unless we change.

It's an individual choice, each of us has to make it.

Its disadvantage is that it seems to shrink into ourselves, as if each of us is looking for a solution for ourselves, individually, and has left the common issues.


There is another solution

I remember Muslims in their republics during the Soviet Union, the authorities criminalized everything, and banned everything related to religion, until the rosary was forbidden, so the faithful among them resorted to the "rooms", so they decided to suffice with memorizing the Qur'an for their children - even if they did not understand Arabic - in rooms under their homes, which we call "basement" and they call them "rooms", certainly in complete secrecy.

Their point of view was: if we cannot achieve victory, let us transfer responsibility to our children, as if the generation of adults incapable of action has become a bridge, all its role is to transmit belief to the next generation.

Indeed, because nothing lasts on this earth, communism fell, the Soviet Union collapsed, and those who were secretly learning the Qur'an came out to influence their countries.

Of course, I am not talking about the religious dimension of the matter, but I am talking about the idea, the idea of the bridge, if we cannot achieve victory, let us pass on the task to the next generation, that is, to be busy raising them and preparing them for a stage in which they achieve what we failed in.

It is not an easy task, especially since what is required is to educate a generation on values and concepts that we ourselves do not adhere to, do not work with, but at least it is an attempt.

I don't mean our children from our origins, but I'm talking about the whole generation, to spend our efforts on the new generation.

Yes.. We are in the midst of war, and despite the negative but positive enough; education is not in test tubes, but on the ground, the very painful reality.

We are a bridge, and the bridge must complete its mission to the fullest, bear the weight of its responsibility, and perform it faithfully and sincerely, without stopping.


But why not practice both solutions at once?

Work individually, acting as a bridge for the new generation.

It is never an easy task, and the forces of some of us may be lost, but this is the case of every battle, the faithful continue, and others are broken.

You may agree with me or disagree...

It's okay, the important thing is not to be silent in words and deeds.

What is happening to us, our country and our children is terrible, and despair is a sin that we should not commit in any way.

Every martyr, every detainee dies in prisons, every refugee in his tent, women, children and the elderly, will never stop cursing the perpetrators.

We are among the perpetrators if we remain silent and remain silent.