Coconut is a favorite fruit of many people, whether it is a delicacy made with coconut or drinking coconut water directly and eating coconut meat. However, the coconut shell is too hard to open. For ease of consumption, pre-opened coconuts are sold in the market, and consumers only need to open the package and insert a straw to drink after purchase. However, coconut water seems to have been on the hot search frequently in recent times, triggering discussions among netizens about pre-opening coconuts, and many people say that this symptom is not unique: "My friend vomited after drinking spoiled coconut water." "I had a headache after drinking it, and my stomach turned upside down." "Coconuts have a short shelf life and are very unhygienic in their pre-openings." What's going on here?

Why is spoiled coconut so poisonous?

Spoiled coconuts produce Pseudomonas coco, and rice fermented acid produced by this bacterium is the leading cause of severe food poisoning and death in consumers. What exactly is Pseudomonas coco? How could it be so "terrifying"?

Pseudomonas cocoa is a gram-negative bacillus with two blunt rounds, no spores, flagella, and is widely distributed in nature. Pseudomonas coco-tox itself is not fatal, but it can produce a deadly toxin, rice fermentation acid.

Rice fermented acid is a small molecule fatty acid with strong heat resistance, even boiling with boiling water at 100 ° C or cooking in a pressure cooker cannot destroy its toxicity. After eating, it can cause poisoning, and can cause serious damage to the liver, kidney, heart, brain and other important organs of the human body.

At present, there is no specific antidote drug for rice fermented acid, and once poisoned, the case fatality rate is as high as 40% to 100%.

Pseudomonas coco-poisoning food poisoning mostly occurs in summer and autumn, food due to humid, rainy weather, coupled with poor storage, Pseudomonas coco-toxic in the food in large quantities of growth and reproduction, eating this food will occur poisoning.

The poisoned person has acute gastroenteritis symptoms, the clinical manifestations are epigastric discomfort, nausea, vomiting 2 to 24 hours after eating, severe coffee-colored substances, mild diarrhea, dizziness, general weakness, etc. In severe cases, hematemesis, hematuria, oliguria, subcutaneous hemorrhage, jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, unconsciousness, irritability, limb convulsions and even toxic shock may occur.

These three types of foods also need to pay attention to "coconut poison"

These foods are prone to Pseudomonas cocotox when contaminated with microorganisms in the environment.

1. Cereal fermentation products. Such as fermented cornmeal, waxy corn rice balls powder, corn starch, fermented glutinous millet, hanging pulp, glutinous rice and vinegar powder.

2. Deteriorated silver fungus, fungus.

3. Potato products such as potato noodles, sweet potato noodles, potato starch, etc.

How to tell

Does coconut water go bad?

It is best to pour out the coconut water and observe before drinking, so that it is easy to tell if it has gone bad.

1. Look at the color, the color of coconut flesh is white, the color of coconut water is transparent and clear, so that the coconut is intact; If the color of the coconut flesh is yellow, the coconut water is very turbid, indicating that the coconut water has deteriorated and cannot be consumed.

2. Smell, good quality no bad coconut water has a faint sweetness, if you smell sour and bitter, it means that the coconut water has deteriorated and cannot be drunk.

3. Look at the state, there are no lumps in intact coconut water, if lumps appear and there is obvious precipitation, such coconut water has deteriorated.


What are the benefits of drinking coconut water?

So, what are the benefits of drinking coconut water? Coconut is a tropical fruit that produces a liquid called coconut water, which is a natural thirst quencher, a pure liquid rich in nutrients that will have a range of health benefits for the human body.

1. Supplement nutrition, coconut contains sugar, fat, protein, vitamin B family, vitamin C and trace elements potassium, magnesium, etc., which can effectively supplement the body's nutrients and improve the body's disease resistance.

2. Diuresis and swelling, coconut water is rich in potassium, magnesium and other minerals, its composition is similar to intracellular fluid, can correct dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, to achieve diuresis and swelling effect.

3. Insecticidal and anti-chancre, coconut meat and coconut water have the effect of killing intestinal parasites, drinking its juice or eating its meat can repel ginger flakes and tapeworms, used clinically, not only the efficacy is reliable, but also has no toxic side effects, is an ideal insecticidal and anti-chancre food.

4. Anti-aging beauty, coconut water contains sugar, fat, protein, growth hormone, vitamins and a large number of essential trace elements, regular drinking, can supplement intracellular fluid, expand blood volume, moisturize the skin, and have the effect of rejuvenating beauty.

These 8 categories of people

Do not drink coconut water

1. Spleen and stomach deficiency, this type of friend, due to its own gastrointestinal deficiency, weak digestive function. Once drinking too much coconut water, it may make the spleen and stomach damage more serious, causing diarrhea, diarrhea and other symptoms, pay more attention.

2. The spleen is wet and heavy, easy to get tired, in addition to the spleen and stomach deficiency should pay more attention, if you find that you are easy to be inexplicably tired, I am afraid that it is caused by a wet temper and a "false fire" upper body, and you should moderately replenish yang, replenish qi and blood to regulate.

3. Friends with weak kidney qi, frequent urination, easy to frequent urination, nocturia, and weak kidney qi should not drink too much coconut water that is easy to diuretic, so as not to affect daily life and lead to a decrease in sleep quality.

4. Those who have cold wheezing, cold cough, asthma symptoms, often cold symptoms, easy headache, and accompanied by nasal congestion, cough, asthma and other wind and cold symptoms, it is not recommended to eat coconut water with a cool nature, so as not to aggravate the symptoms.

5. Uterine deficiency cold, every physiological period is prone to dysmenorrhea, cold hands and feet, menstrual period needs hot compresses to relieve discomfort of women, it is not recommended to drink coconut water, in order to avoid interfering with blood circulation, affecting the normal operation of uterine function.

3. Early pregnancy, it is generally believed that the early stage of pregnancy (that is, the first <> months of pregnancy) is a critical stage of embryonic development, and it is very important to keep the uterine environment warm. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume foods with cool properties such as coconut water at this moment to avoid affecting fetal development.

7. Morning sickness, there is a saying on the Internet, "morning sickness people drink coconut water moderately, help supplement sugar, to maintain physical strength". However, in response to this statement, Chinese medicine believes that the cause of morning sickness is mainly related to stomach cold. Therefore, in terms of conditioning, it is not recommended to drink coconut water with a cool nature, otherwise it will aggravate the symptoms.

8. Postpartum confinement, due to the postpartum woman's physical constitution is weak and stagnant, and at the same time there is a need to accelerate uterine contractions and help eliminate lochia.

Comprehensive Hubei Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention public account report Cartography/Yi Shunqing