Text/Yangcheng Evening News reporter Xue Renzheng correspondent Dai Xi'an Tang Xiaoyu

The people take food as the sky. Since childhood, we have heard "rumors" about nutrition such as "eating walnuts to nourish the brain" and "nutrition is in soup". The reporter interviewed Ma Tenghui, deputy chief physician of the Department of Nutrition and Microecology of the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, and Zhang Lina, attending physician, to identify the "gold content" of these rumors.

Nutrition in the soup? wrong

Ma Tenghui: The soup is mainly water and a small amount of water-soluble amino acids, etc., and the nutrient density is very low, so it is best to drink the soup and eat it together with meat and side dishes. People who are malnourished or need to supplement should try to choose foods with high nutrient density.

Is fish soup more nutritious when it turns white? wrong

Zhang Lina: Fish soup is not more nutritious the whiter. The white substance is actually fat, and the oil will turn white after emulsification, and the oil is constantly boiled, tumbled, and constantly mixed with water, and the more thoroughly it is mixed, the whiter it is. People with high blood lipids, high blood pressure, and high uric acid are recommended to drink less of this soup.

Will eating walnuts replenish the brain? Right

Zhang Lina: Walnuts belong to nut foods, rich in fatty acids, oleic acid, linoleic acid and other unsaturated fatty acids. The phospholipids in walnuts have a good health care effect on brain nerves. Walnut oil contains unsaturated fatty acids and has the effect of preventing arteriosclerosis, making it a healthy food suitable for people of all ages.

Is skim milk healthier than whole milk? wrong

Ma Tenghui: Skimmed milk powder is made by removing fat and drying fresh milk, and the fat content can be reduced to about 1%, which is very small compared to the fat content of more than 26% of whole milk powder, which is more suitable for people who are obese, hyperlipidemic and not suitable for fat intake.

But the problem is: less fat, fat-soluble vitamins dissolved in fat, such as vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin K, etc., will also be lost. Fat itself also has certain nutritional value, can provide people with energy, can also provide necessary fatty acids. After fat is removed, the proportion of carbohydrates that are not friendly to human health will also increase. Therefore, from a nutritional point of view, whole milk powder has more comprehensive nutrients, is suitable for more people, and tastes better.

Half-raw eggs are more nutritious? wrong

Zhang Lina: Half-cooked eggs are difficult to digest and waste nutrients. The human body digests the protein in eggs mainly by pepsin and trypsin in the small intestine, while the egg white in half-cooked eggs contains antitrypsin and antibiotinin, which will hinder the digestion and absorption of nutrients such as protein. The boiled eggs are inactivated by high temperature antitrypsin and antiavidin for better digestion and absorption of protein.

In addition, about 10% of fresh eggs contain disease-causing salmonella, mold or parasite eggs, and if the eggs are not fresh, the carrier rate is even higher.

Is it better to eat health supplements for nutrition? wrong

Zhang Lina: Ordinary people's reasonable diet can fully meet the nutritional needs of our body. Health products generally focus on a certain aspect of fortification, such as calcium, vitamins or protein, nutrition is not comprehensive enough. Long-term overdose of some supplements may also lead to poisoning.

However, for patients, especially patients with incomplete gastrointestinal tract, small diet, and liquid diet, enteral nutrition powder/liquid can be selected. At this time, enteral nutrition powder/liquid is used as food to provide high-density nutrition, not health supplements.

Can you lose weight without eating staple foods? wrong

Zhang Lina: Staple food is the main source of carbohydrates, do not eat staple food at all or rarely eat staple food, the brain does not have enough blood sugar supply, affects memory and learning ability, easy fatigue, no energy.

If staple foods are not eaten, people tend to substitute other foods, which creates new risks and unnecessary burdens on the body. If other foods are also eaten very little, hunger is unbearable, physical and psychological are not satisfied, it is especially easy to persist and overeat, so that the previous achievements of weight loss are lost.

Can eating red dates "replenish blood"? Right

Ma Tenghui: Traditional Chinese medicine believes that jujube can "replenish qi and nourish blood", modern medicine has also confirmed that jujube is rich in iron, iron is one of the essential elements for hemoglobin synthesis, red jujube is also rich in vitamin C, vitamin C can promote the absorption of iron in the body, help improve the symptoms of anemia. For patients with iron deficiency anemia, it is beneficial to eat red dates regularly.

However, if there is acute blood loss or severe anemia, you should seek medical attention immediately and quickly correct the anemia by blood transfusion, drug treatment, iron supplementation, or even surgery to stop bleeding.