"May Day" camping beware of poisonous insects [Experts: do a good job of personal protection, scientific treatment after being bitten, and seek medical attention in time]

Changsha Evening News all-media reporter Zhu Yanhuang correspondent Chen Ling

During the "May Day" holiday, many people choose to go to the countryside to camp and relax in the idyllic mountains and rivers.

However, with the grass and insects chirping, there can be risks lurking in the stunning landscape. Today, Zhang Yingbo, deputy chief physician of the Department of Dermatology of Changsha Third Hospital, reminded that in spring and summer, mosquitoes, ticks, centipedes and other poisonous insects are frequently active, and we should do a good job of personal protection when we go camping in the wild, encounter poisonous insect bites, and deal with them scientifically and seek medical attention in time.

Avoid mosquito bites and eliminate the risk of malaria

Recently, Ms. Liu from Changsha took her 5-year-old son Haohao (pseudonym) to dig bamboo shoots in the mountains, and the child's shoulders, back, hands and feet were bitten by mosquitoes with a lot of red rashes. She saw the news that there has been a recent malaria epidemic abroad and should pay attention to prevention. She quickly brought the child to the doctor and asked nervously: "My son won't get malaria, right?" Zhang Yingbo comforted her: "In recent years, malaria in China is mainly endemic in southern provinces such as Yunnan and Hainan, and the patients in other places are mainly imported cases. After the doctor gave Haohao anti-inflammatory, anti-itching and other symptomatic treatments, the rash on his body gradually disappeared.

April 4 this year is the 26th "National Malaria Day", the relevant person in charge of the Hunan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention said that the current global economic recovery, the increase in population flow, the pressure of imported malaria prevention and control has increased, and the province still needs to effectively improve the prevention and control capacity for the weak links in the work and consolidate the elimination results.

Malaria is an arbo-borne infection caused by infection with malaria parasites through mosquito bites or blood infused into people carrying them. Hunan has a humid subtropical monsoon climate with sufficient light and heat, and abundant rainfall, which is suitable for the breeding of Anopheles mosquitoes, the malaria vector. Zhang Yingbo reminded: "Take your children out to play, try to go to a place with a lot of moss and grass lush and wet, prevent mosquito bites, and eliminate the risk of malaria." ”

"Malaria, commonly known as swinging, is the chills and trembling of the human body after being infected with parazoa." Zhang Yingbo said that patients may have chills, irregular low-grade fever or intermittent fever, accompanied by general malaise, headache, muscle aches and other symptoms at the beginning of the onset. If there is a history of travel and residence in malaria-endemic areas, or a history of malaria attacks in recent years, or a febrile patient who has recently received a blood transfusion, the possibility of malaria infection should be suspected, and the diagnosis can be confirmed by the detection of malaria parasites on a blood smear.

Zhang Yingbo recommends that in order to prevent mosquito bites, try to wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants when outdoors. Mosquitoes tend to be dark by nature, and people who wear dark clothes are more likely to be targets than those who wear light clothes. People with fast metabolism, high body temperature, frequent exercise, sweating and not bathing are also more likely to attract mosquitoes. Wearing light-colored clothes and paying attention to personal hygiene can effectively reduce the probability of being bitten by mosquitoes. After being bitten by mosquitoes, if dermatitis, allergies and other conditions occur, go to the hospital in time to find professional medical staff to deal with it.

Be bitten by a tick, don't pull hard

Recently, Mr. Li, 45, of Changsha, went to play in the countryside and lay down on the grass under a big tree. After returning home, he had back pain, touched a foreign object with his hand, forcibly removed it, found that it was a worm, and searched for pictures on the Internet for comparison, which was very similar to ticks. Three days later, Mr. Li's back still had a dull pain, and he came to the dermatology department of Changsha Third Hospital for treatment. The doctor's examination found that there were red and swollen nodules at the site where he was bitten and a black foreign body remained in the skin in the center, possibly the mouthparts of ticks. Doctors remove the lesion and use drugs to treat him prophylactically.

"When a tick is found to bite the skin, do not pull it raw and hard, so as not to break the skin and mouthparts in the skin." Zhang Yingbo said that in the process of biting and sucking blood, in addition to causing local inflammation and ulceration, ticks may also transport their saliva and gastrointestinal contents to the human body, thereby transmitting a variety of diseases, including tick-borne hemorrhagic fever, Lyme disease, fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome, etc., and broken mouthparts are more likely to infect people in the body.

To remove ticks, ether, chloroform, turpentine, and dry smoke oil can be applied to the tick's head or lit a mosquito coil next to the tick, and after a few minutes, the tick will release itself. Or thickly coat the head of the tick with petroleum jelly, liquid paraffin, glycerin to suffocate it, and then gently pull the tick out with forceps. Note that the mouthparts of the tick are removed intact during removal. After removal, disinfect the bite site with alcohol or complexed iodine.

After being bitten by a tick, a dermatologist should be seen in time and relevant antibiotics should be used under the guidance of the doctor to prevent the occurrence of tick-borne diseases. "If you find that the mouthparts of ticks are broken in the skin, you must go to the hospital to remove them surgically." Zhang Yingbo reminded that if there are symptoms of systemic poisoning such as chills and fever, go to the hospital for treatment in time.

Bitten by a centipede and sucked to neutralize the poisonous juice

Recently, in the evening, when Ms. Jiang was camping in the wilderness, there was a sudden sharp pain on the back of her right foot wearing slippers, and she turned on the "flashlight" of her mobile phone to check, and saw a centipede flashing. The next day, Ms. Jiang went to the Department of Dermatology of Changsha Third Hospital. The doctor found that Ms. Jiang did not have symptoms of systemic poisoning such as nausea, vomiting and headache, but she still had redness, swelling and pain on the back of her foot. The doctor provides symptomatic treatment such as swelling, anti-inflammatory, and antipruritic.

Centipedes are naturally photophobic, damp, day and night, and like to live in dark and humid places such as mountains and corners. Zhang Yingbo said that there is a pair of poisonous claws in front of it, there are two petechiae at the place where the person is stung, followed by swelling of the surrounding skin, burning, severe pain and itching, light cases can subside in just a few days of rash, if stung by a large centipede, due to the poisonous juice injected into the human body, in addition to local skin redness or necrosis, can also appear fever, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, palpitations, convulsions and other systemic poisoning symptoms, severe cases can be life-threatening.

Zhang Yingbo recommends that after finding a centipede sting, immediately rinse the affected area with soapy water, and use a breast pump or cupping method to suck out the poisonous juice as much as possible. Topical application of 5% to 10% concentration of ammonia or 5% to 10% concentration of baking soda solution, can also be mixed with alkali powder and alcohol into a thin paste external coating, to neutralize the acid juice released by centipedes, can relieve pain and reduce symptoms of poisoning.

Nantong Ji Desheng snake tablets or Shanghai snake medicine can be taken orally, or the medicine can be mixed with water into a paste and coated externally to the affected area. Some Chinese herbal medicines can also treat centipede bites, such as fresh purslane or houttuynia, dandelion, fresh mulberry leaves mashed and applied to the affected area. If the skin is necrotic or symptoms of systemic poisoning occur, seek medical attention promptly.

According to incomplete statistics, more than 30,<> people in China are bitten by ticks, centipedes and other poisonous insects every year. Spring and summer are hot, insects are active, and poisonous insect bites are high. Zhang Yingbo reminded that places with lush vegetation can shade the scorching sun and prevent the evaporation of soil moisture, which is often the habitat of various poisonous insects. We should avoid camping in some lush vegetation and reduce the peak of poisonous insects, such as dusk and night, to the wild. When playing in the wild, you should wear long clothes and trousers, tight belts, cuffs, trouser legs, apply insect-proof substances where the skin is exposed, and wear insect repellent bracelet, Chinese medicine sachets and other insect repellent items to reduce the probability of being bitten by poisonous insects. When you return from play, you should take a shower and change clothes in time.