【Explanation】Oral implant is an important way to repair missing teeth, but the price of more than 10,000 yuan per piece makes many patients prohibitive. Recently, the National Medical Security Administration has carried out special treatment of oral implant medical service charges and consumables prices, and implemented the comprehensive treatment measures of oral implant medical service charges, centralized procurement of implants, and crown bidding and listing.

On April 4, the reporter came to a dental medical institution in Beijing, and the doctor told the reporter that compared with before, the current price of a single dental implant has been reduced by about half.

【During the same period】Jiamei dental doctor Yin Hongyang

After the recent new policy issued by the state, the number of both telephone consultations and in-store inquiries (consumers) has increased significantly. Now in fact, whether it is Korean implants, German implants, Italy including Switzerland (implants) there is a significant decline, the average reduction may be about 50%, the degree of decline is still very large.

A patient waiting for treatment told reporters that after the cost of dental implants was treated, the price was lower than he expected.

【During the same period】Ms. Wang

The drop actually varies depending on the brand, but it is definitely a little lower than I expected. I didn't expect to implement it so quickly, and immediately began to implement it, thinking that I might wait a little longer, and the result is that this price can really be done immediately, which is very good.

【During the same period】Ms. Hao

I have planted five or six teeth, and this tooth was more than 5000,<> yuan before, but now it can reach about <>,<> yuan, which I think has saved half.

【Explanation】The landing of dental implant cost control also means the end of the era of "10,000 yuan for dental implants" and "one tooth and one car". Consumers believe that this can allow ordinary people who need dental implants to truly enjoy the benefits of price reduction and raise awareness of protecting oral health.

【During the same period】Ms. Wang

In the past, if the economic conditions were not very good, it would feel more burdensome, but there was not a saying before, planting a full mouth, like having a car in the mouth, is this feeling. But if the price is reduced now, the popularity will become higher, and then everyone will not have that burden in their hearts. Or also willing to come over to investigate, ask, but also indirectly improve everyone's oral awareness and so on.

【Explanation】Is the quality of implants guaranteed after the price of dental implants is reduced? The head of the agency said that the price of dental implants is through collective procurement minus the cost of middlemen, and the quality of implants will not change.

【During the same period】Jiamei Dental Chairman Liu Jia

Just like this orthopedic stent, there is no difference between the original 3,3000 yuan and the current <>,<> yuan. Including even the manufacturer, it's the same, but there are no middlemen. Because we directly buy with the manufacturer, it is really the country to achieve a de-cost, de-link, de-intermediary. In this way, the cost is reduced, and the middleman is gone, so this quality will not change in any way.

Liu Jia believes that in the context of centralized procurement, although the upstream and downstream enterprises of oral medicine will face the impact of declining profits in the short term. However, in the long run, centralized procurement will increase the penetration rate of oral services and achieve rapid growth in the overall profit of the dental industry. In the future, with the improvement of domestic implants in market capacity, domestic substitution of implants may become an important trend.

【During the same period】Jiamei Dental Chairman Liu Jia

Now according to incomplete statistics, we have more than a billion teeth that need to be implanted. So now there are only more than 100 million planted, why? Because most people can't afford to grow it. Also citizens (real) a reasonable price. Now after the collective procurement comes in, our volume suddenly increases. So this is good news for us, after this market is large, after we reach the scale effect, the profit will increase, which is definitely better for the majority of patients. In two years, we (the institution) will also produce [the implant] ourselves, and when we do, the cost is lower. The cost of implants will become lower and lower, more and more people will be planted, and everyone will be able to afford to grow them in the future.

Chi Hanyu reported from Beijing

Responsible Editor: [Li Ji]