What are the symptoms of Parkinson's disease? How can it be prevented and treated? One article to understand

April 4 is World Parkinson's Day, and this year's theme is "Focus on mental health, manage it holistically". Parkinson's disease can occur at all ages, from adolescence to old age, and the health hazards should not be underestimated. What are the symptoms of Parkinson's disease? How can it be prevented and treated? Do we have misconceptions about Parkinson's disease? Let's find out together ↓↓↓

What is Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease is a chronic central nervous degenerative disease caused by lesions in the substantia nigra (the melanocytes-rich nucleus located in the brainstem) that are unable to secrete dopamine normally, first discovered by British doctor James Parkinson. The population-wide prevalence is about 0.3%, which multiplies in the elderly population, with a slightly higher incidence in men than in women.

People with a high incidence of Parkinson's disease have these characteristics:


The mean age of onset is about 60 years, and the incidence increases with age.


People with a heavy burden of mental work are a high incidence group. Among "young patients" under the age of 40, impatience and high pressure are common characteristics of many people.


People who regularly use or come into contact with chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides.


That is, genetic factors, direct family members with Parkinson's disease, the risk of disease increases by 4%~9%.

After illness

What symptoms may occur

Parkinson's disease has motor and non-motor symptoms, of which motor symptoms are the threshold for diagnosing Parkinson's disease.

Quescent tremor

Many people experience tremor of the hands, the term called tremor. Fingers are like counting money and rubbing pills, the amplitude is variable, the frequency is about 4~6 times per second, mostly based on coarse tremor movements, which will gradually spread to the limbs, muscle stiffness. It is also found in the jaw, lips and other parts.

Tremor is not a necessary feature of people with Parkinson's disease. Some patients have only stiffness in the limbs and no tremor, which is called non-tremor Parkinson's.

Slowness and reduction

Among the many symptoms of Parkinson's disease, bradyness is the core symptom. For example: voluntary movements such as the oscillation of the upper limbs, getting up, turning over and other daily activities slow down when walking; inflexibility of fine movements such as brushing teeth; lack of facial expressions, the appearance of "mask faces", which may be accompanied by non-blinking, binocular gaze, etc.; The written words are small, curved and difficult to read; Abnormal gait, walking wobbly with small broken steps, lack of arm swing back and forth that accompanies normal walking, unsteadiness when turning, difficulty when stopping walking.

Non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease include olfactory failure, low mood, sleep problems, etc., the most common of which are anxiety and depression. About 70% of Parkinson's patients are accompanied by anxiety symptoms, often feeling nervous, restless, etc.; About 50% have depressive symptoms, often manifested as decreased interest, loss of appetite, easy fatigue, easy crying, worry, insomnia, self-consciousness uselessness, decreased self-evaluation, etc., and suicidal tendencies in severe cases.

There is also a sleep disorder manifested as yelling, punching and kicking in sleep, as if having nightmares, and even falling out of bed, which is called REM sleep behavior disorder. This manifestation often appears several years before Parkinson's disease and is an early clinical phenomenon that is currently highly valued as an early warning sign of Parkinson's disease.

How Parkinson's disease is prevented and treated

The onset of Parkinson's disease is multifactorial and is currently thought to be the result of a combination of genetics and the environment. To prevent Parkinson's, try these methods:

If you find that there are early signs such as upper limb tremors and hand tremors, you should go to the hospital in time.

Do more active exercise. Exercise can prevent and delay joint rigidity and limb contractures.

Eat more vegetables, fruits, etc. Avoid irritating foods, tobacco and alcohol to reduce constipation, overcome emotional agitation and nervousness, and maintain a pleasant state of mind.

Serious treatment of hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia.

In addition, proper coffee consumption can also prevent Parkinson's disease. Coffee contains a lot of caffeine, which can act as a preventative by antagonizing relevant receptors in the brain. Studies have also shown that caffeine can activate the brain's dopaminergic neuroprotective signaling pathway, which in turn plays a role in preventing apoptosis of nerve cells.

If a family member has Parkinson's disease, let's try to help TA like this!

Exercise facial movements

Exercises such as frowning, smiling, laughing, pouting, puffing and whistling can be done.

Move your fingers more

Straighten the metacarpophalangeal joints often, use one hand to grasp the fingers of the other hand and press in the direction of the back of the hand to prevent the metacarpophalangeal joint deformity, and repeatedly practice the action of separating and merging the fingers.

Full-body exercises are urged

Often perform lateral bending and body rotation exercises, and pay attention to abdominal muscle exercises and lumbar back muscle exercises.

Pay attention to the state of mind

About 35%~45% of Parkinson's patients are accompanied by depression, and family counseling and psychiatrist treatment are important supports to overcome the disease.

Stick to rehabilitation

Consistent aerobic exercise can not only maintain muscle strength and nerve sensitivity, but also prevent and relieve complications such as constipation and insomnia.

Pay attention to care details

The light in the room, the guardrail next to the bed, the non-slip in the bathroom, etc., need to pay attention to every detail.

About Parkinson's disease

These understandings are wrong

Parkinson's disease = Alzheimer's? Wrong!

The main symptoms of Alzheimer's disease are mental decline, memory loss, patients are often suspicious, while Parkinson's disease patients' intelligence and memory are normal, the main symptoms are muscle stiffness, hand tremor, slow movements, etc.

Hand tremor = Parkinson's disease? Wrong!

The symptoms of hand tremor in Parkinson's disease have these characteristics: obvious at rest, aggravated when stressed and stressed, reduced with random movements, and disappeared during sleep.

Hand tremor≠ Parkinson's disease, there are many causes of hand tremor: strenuous exercise, nervousness, or taking a special drug may occur hand tremor, hyperthyroid patients will also have tremors. People may have trembling in the case of infection, carbon monoxide poisoning, cerebral arteriosclerosis, etc., and should seek medical attention in time.

Shortened life expectancy with Parkinson's disease? Wrong!

Although Parkinson's disease is currently incurable and may seriously affect the daily life and work of patients, Parkinson's disease itself is not a fatal disease and generally does not affect lifespan.

(CCTV News Client This article is synthesized from Health China, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, etc.)