In a lawsuit filed by a woman who was a student of Naoki Watanabe, a literary critic and former professor at Waseda University's graduate school, seeking compensation, the Tokyo District Court admitted that some of the remarks "violated the interests of studying in a good environment with sexual remarks" and ordered Watanabe and the university to compensate a total of more than 60,<> yen.

A woman who entered Waseda University's Faculty of Letters seven years ago was sexually harassed by her supervisor, former professor Naoki Watanabe, who touched her body and made sexual remarks, and demanded compensation from Watanabe and the university, claiming that the university did not take appropriate measures.

In a ruling on June 7, Tokyo District Court Chief Judge Shin Nakamura admitted that some remarks such as "I will make you my woman when I graduate" were "remarks from a sexual point of view and infringed on the interests of studying in a good environment," and ordered Watanabe and the university to compensate 6,55 yen.

In addition, another professor who was consulted by a woman made remarks to the effect that "sexual harassment is even more terrible" and "there is a gap for women," and pointed out that "the remark that the damage was minor and the cause was also on the woman's side, and he neglected to give appropriate consideration," and ordered the university to pay an additional 5,2018 yen.

Watanabe was fired from the university in <> for sexual harassment of this woman.

Woman at press conference: "Mixed feelings"

At a press conference after the verdict, the woman said, "I think it was significant that the second offense was found when I consulted with another professor, but I have mixed feelings because there are some parts that are backwards from the investigation conducted by the university, and there are acts that were not recognized as sexual harassment," and the woman's lawyer said she would consider whether to appeal.

On the other hand, the lawyer representing Mr. Watanabe said, "I would like to accept the judgment because it was a recognition within the scope of the person admitting his remarks and reflecting on them."

Waseda University believes that harassment should not occur and is working to prevent recurrence, and will take measures to prevent recurrence of harassment so that similar incidents do not occur again. We sincerely apologize to the victims for the behavior of a former faculty member who constituted sexual harassment."