Spring is the peak period for allergies. According to the national pollen allergy index map launched by China Weather Network, recently, the pollen allergy index in many places has "exploded". In this regard, experts said that people susceptible to allergies should be protected in time.

Spring allergy high incidence should be protected

Experts say that the "culprit" of spring pollen allergy is often not brightly colored ornamental flowers, but trees and weeds that do not look like they will bloom. During pollen season, people with allergies should try to avoid going out during periods when pollen concentration is high from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and should be properly protected if they go out.

Wang Xueyan, director of the Allergology Center of Beijing Shijitan Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University: For people with pollen allergies, in fact, you must wear masks when you go out, wear anti-pollen silicone glasses, wash your face, bathe, wash clothes, wash your nasal cavity when you come back, and consider the use of pollen blockers for individual symptoms that are serious, especially pregnant women and children under the guidance of doctors to use drugs reasonably.

Experts remind that people with severe pollen allergy symptoms should seek medical attention in time. In addition to medication, specific immunotherapy can also be carried out on the basis of identifying allergens for the cause, so that after the patient is exposed to the allergen, the symptoms are reduced or even no longer occurring, and the medication is reduced or no longer used.

Allergic rhinitis has a pronounced seasonal character

Allergic rhinitis is a non-infectious inflammatory disease of the nasal mucosa. The main symptoms are paroxysmal sneezing, watery discharge, nasal itching, and nasal congestion. Some patients may have ocular symptoms, including itchy eyes, tearing, redness, and burning. Some patients may have bronchial asthma with symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, and chest tightness.

Wang Xueyan, Director of the Allergy Center of Beijing Shijitan Hospital, Capital Medical University: Allergic rhinitis is divided into common allergic rhinitis and seasonal allergic rhinitis. Common allergic rhinitis allergens are mainly dust mites, mold, animal dander, cockroaches, etc., while seasonal rhinitis allergens are mainly plant pollen, spring is mainly tree pollen, autumn is dominated by weed pollen, seasonal pollen exposure is the main cause of pollen symptoms.

Distinguish pollen allergies from cold symptoms Seek prompt medical attention

Experts pointed out that the high incidence of respiratory diseases in spring, pollen allergy symptoms are easily confused with colds, and then delay the disease. Therefore, the public should be vigilant, if a certain related symptom appears regularly and repeatedly, it is necessary to be highly vigilant for allergies and seek medical attention in time to avoid delaying treatment.

Wang Xueyan, director of the Allergy Center of Beijing Shijitan Hospital, Capital Medical University: Spring is the high incidence period of respiratory diseases, pollen allergy and cold symptoms are very similar, easy to misdiagnose and mistreat. Pollen allergy generally recurs for at least three weeks with the same symptom, without headache, fever, muscle aches and other symptoms. The course of the cold is relatively short, generally 3 to 7 days, rarely more than two weeks, if the same symptoms appear repeatedly in this season, be alert to pollen allergies, go to the hospital in time to seek medical attention, clarify the allergen.

(CCTV reporter Li Bin Kong Bingbing)