As we all know, cancer poses a major threat to human health and has become one of the important common health problems worldwide. A report published by the World Cancer Research Fund states that an unhealthy diet increases the risk of cancer. According to a large number of studies, 35%-40% of cancers are related to unscientific and unreasonable dietary habits; Diet and nutrition may account for 20%-25% of the global cancer burden; About one-third of human tumor deaths are attributed to diet, nutrition and other factors.

The occurrence and development of cancer are closely related to diet, and the number of cancers induced by diet is still on the rise. One "cancer" word three mouths, many cancers are unknowingly eaten by people one bite at a time.

Do a lot of cancers come out bite by bite?

These five types of eating habits must be corrected

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies carcinogens into four categories according to their carcinogenic risk to humans. Among them, Class 4 carcinogens have the highest level, that is, they have clear carcinogenicity to the human body, and there is conclusive evidence that they increase the risk of cancer, followed by Class 1A carcinogens. These substances are present in every aspect of our daily diet.

1. Love frying and smoking? "Food traps": Don't be gluttonous

Such as fritters, fries and barbecue, after repeated high-temperature frying and smoking, will produce carcinogens benzopizopyride, and the higher the temperature, the longer the time, the more paste, the higher the content. Long-term inhalation or consumption of such foods can easily induce lung cancer, liver cancer, bowel cancer, stomach cancer, etc. In daily cooking, it is necessary to avoid repeated heating and utilization of edible oil, and also pay attention to grasping the temperature and time. Pay attention to ventilation and do not allow oil fumes to gather.

2. Mildew food should be "cut off" in time, and beware of the "deadly killer" Aspergillus falti

Such as moldy peanuts and corn, inferior peanut oil, spoiled rice, etc., which contain aflatoxin, which can induce liver cancer, stomach cancer, colorectal cancer, etc. Therefore, avoid eating moldy or suspected spoiled foods. When eating bitter melon seeds, be sure to spit them out in time and gargle, daily storage of food should pay attention to mildew, keep dry and ventilated.

3. Can't resist the temptation of processed meat products and high-salt cured products? If you love to eat, you must also keep your mouth shut

The taste and taste of such foods are very attractive, such as sausages, pickles, salted fish, salted meat, the nitrite contained in these foods itself is not carcinogenic, but by combining with biological amines in the stomach, the formation of carcinogens nitrosamines is carcinogenic, mainly causing esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, liver cancer, colorectal cancer, etc. In addition, it should be emphasized that there is still a misunderstanding, that is, people think that eating overnight dishes will cause cancer, but in fact, it is alarmist. Even if there is nitrite in overnight dishes, the content is far lower than the national standard for processed foods, as long as it is properly preserved, sufficient heating and sterilization before eating can avoid the production of carcinogens.

4. Habit of hot food is harmful, avoid "eating while hot"

Regular consumption of overheated (more than 65°C) foods increases the risk of esophageal cancer, and the esophageal mucosa is damaged by long-term repeated high temperature stimulation, thereby triggering chronic inflammation and promoting the occurrence of cancer.

5. Alcohol is deeply poisonous, and drinking also hurts the body

Studies have shown that the active metabolites of alcohol (such as acetaldehyde) have carcinogenic effects and can cause oropharyngeal cancer, laryngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, etc. In addition, heavy alcohol consumption may lead to a lack of certain nutrients in the diet, making tissues more sensitive to carcinogenic effects.

In short, we must first have a correct cognition, for food that clearly contains carcinogens, does not mean that it cannot be eaten, nor does it mean that eating will definitely lead to the occurrence of cancer, the carcinogenic ability of carcinogens is closely related to the dose, only long-term excessive intake will increase the risk of cancer, but we must also be vigilant, daily diet to focus on prevention.

Chronic inflammation is closely related to cancer

How to prevent cancer through diet?

The World Health Organization (WHO) lists cancer as a chronic disease, clearly pointing out that 1/3 of it can be prevented, 1/3 can be cured by early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment, and 1/3 is incurable, but it can be controlled through appropriate treatment, and a better quality of life can be obtained and survival prolonged. Cancer, which was once considered an "incurable disease", is gradually evolving into a "chronic disease" that can be prevented and controlled.

Persistent chronic inflammation and oxidative stress have been shown to be closely related to the occurrence and development of cancer, such as colorectal cancer and colitis, liver cancer and chronic hepatitis, etc., inhibition of inflammatory response and oxidative stress can effectively reduce the occurrence of cancer and achieve better cancer prevention effect. Regulating inflammation and oxidative stress by changing dietary patterns is one of the effective means of preventing cancer. Changing unhealthy eating behaviors and choosing a reasonable and healthy diet can prevent the occurrence of cancer to a large extent.

1. Mainly plant foods and eat more dark vegetables

It is our old talk of "eating more vegetables", because it is very rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances. For example, tomatoes and pomegranates rich in lycopene can reduce the risk of prostate cancer; For example, oranges, berries, peas are rich in vitamin C to prevent esophageal cancer; Such as broccoli and spinach can prevent stomach cancer.

2. Serve with whole grains such as wheat, oats, and corn

This type of food is rich in dietary fiber, which can combine with carcinogens, improve intestinal health, stimulate the production of short-chain fatty acids in the intestine, and prevent colorectal cancer. Data show that if you consume 10g of dietary fiber from food every day, you can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by 10%. In addition, whole grains also contain many antioxidants, such as corn is rich in glutathione and vitamin E, which is the "anti-cancer star" in cereals.

3. Choose the right cooking oil and eat deep-sea fish often

Such as flaxseed oil, rapeseed oil, omega-3 fatty acids belong to polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are essential fatty acids that the human body cannot synthesize automatically, and can only be obtained from food. The degradation products of omega-6 fatty acids can directly lead to the occurrence of inflammation, while omega-3 fatty acids contribute to anti-inflammatory, and their daily intake cannot be less than 1.3 g.

4. Drink tea healthily

Green tea and black tea have anti-inflammatory biological activity, and contain catechuic acid, brass, polyphenols and other ingredients, which have a good preventive effect on a variety of cancers. But it is also necessary to drink tea according to the individual's physique to maximize its function.

5. Increase the intake of some spicy condiments

When cooking, you can add a little more cloves, rosemary, turmeric, green onion, ginger, garlic, as well as star anise, cinnamon and other condiments. A large number of studies have found that these condiments have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effects, and even long-term consumption can prolong life.

The most advantageous "weapon" for cancer prevention is not to take tonics, but to eat three meals a day. Instead of talking about cancer discoloration, it is better to prevent cancer scientifically, put "cancer from the mouth", jump out of the food trap on the tip of the tongue, establish a healthy eating concept, and make personalized dietary choices according to your own situation. Prevent cancer before it happens, escort health!

Text/Zhu Ruifang (The First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University)