Asian unicorn rhinoceros "beautiful" living in Guangzhou. Photo by Chen Jimin

Conservationists feed Asian unicorn rhinos "beautiful" bananas. Photo by Chen Jimin

Asian one-horned rhinos Wen Wen (right) and "Beautiful" (left) living in Guangzhou. Photo by Chen Jimin

Conservationists observe the behavior patterns of Asian unicorn rhinos "Wen Wen" (right) and "Beautiful" (left). Photo by Chen Jimin

Asian one-horned rhinos "Wen Wen" (back) and "Beautiful" (front) that live in Chimelong. Photo by Chen Jimin

Conservationists feed Asian one-horned rhinos Wen Wen (right) and Beautiful (left) bananas. Photo by Chen Jimin

On March 3, the reporter visited the Asian one-horned rhinoceros "Wen Wen" and "Beautiful" living in Guangzhou.

"Wen Wen" and "Beautiful" are two Asian unicorn rhinos presented to China by Nepal, which came to Guangzhou from Nepal in July 2018 and have increased their weight from 7 kg and 670 kg to 865,1830 kg and 1474,<> kg respectively under the care of Chimelong Wildlife World conservationists.

According to conservationists, in order to ensure that "gentleness" and "beauty" can better adapt to the Chinese environment, conservationists have specially set up ration plantations, planted a large number of high-quality elephant grass for unicorn rhinos to eat in large quantities, and added weeds, leaves, a small amount of fruits and vegetables, concentrates and other foods to make them nutritionally balanced. At the same time, in order to solve the problem of imbalance of dietary fats, soluble and insoluble carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, the nursery staff has formulated special recipes for "gentle" and "beautiful", and added salt bricks during the feeding process to prevent the lack of vitamin E in "gentle" and "beautiful".

At present, "Wen Wen" and "Beauty" live in the logistics conservation area of Chimelong Wildlife World, thriving under the care of conservation staff.