No matter what you say, in old America they knew how to "make" people "for all time." The realities of American political life during the Cold War created iconic people. At the time of the "triumphal march of globalization", they looked like dinosaurs, but when the world begins to creep into the funnel of crisis, the depth of which is not clear to anyone, it is such people who find the strength to say what others are silent about.

Such is Seymour Hersh, who again blew up the agenda by saying that the systemic European crisis is a matter of the very near future, not 2024, but already in the autumn of 2023. And the main culprit of this crisis will be declared President Joe Biden.

Note how dramatically the assessment of Hersh's statements has changed: when his first revelations about the explosions of the Nord Streams appeared, they initially tried to declare him a surviving old man.

The second wave of information coming from Hersh about the terrorist act in the Baltic Sea was commented on in the sense that Hersh's sources are weak.

What will happen this time? Would they say that Seymour Hersh is overly radical in his predictions? No matter how much they start commenting on the current speech, it is clear that Hersh's information and assessments are being taken more seriously in the West.

What is Seymour Hersh talking about, if you think about it, this time, not just an intelligent person in his own right (and unintelligent people with such a meaningful biography as Hersh's do not live to old age), but also a member of many serious offices in the United States, where little is said and what is called in the heat of political controversy the "deep state"?

Seymour Hersh says that a major European war against Russia, first a hybrid, and then as it goes, was conceived by the Biden administration as a means to ensure his relatively successful re-election for a second term and the subsequent soft transfer of power "past the Republicans", accompanied by the sucking of all investment resources from the United States.

But the plan failed: the European allies, on the one hand, were too deeply bogged down in the conflict in Ukraine, but were too weak to go to the end in the confrontation with Moscow.

Europe's internal problems are becoming critical, and it is difficult not to notice the attempts of even such troubadours of the struggle against Russian imperialism as E. Macron and O. Scholz to hint at the need for a compromise.

And now the United States will have to either take the collapsing socio-political system of Europe on "manual control", or curtail the direct military-political presence in Europe significantly ahead of time: not just by completing the re-industrialization of the United States even "at minimal scales", but also by depriving the American financial system of liquidity sucked out of the European economy just at the approach to the crisis of the American banking system.

Europe is still very much needed by the United States, but not as a "front", but as a "rear" and "wallet", from which funds will be drawn for the construction of AUKUS and the creation of "fortress America", says patriot of America Seymour Hersh. But he says another significant thing: the current political architecture of the United States, based on bipartisan consensus (and this is not just a figure of speech, but a real mechanism for balancing interests within the elite), will collapse without the notorious "Euro-Atlanticism". And by destroying it, the Biden administration is driving into crisis not Europe, but the United States itself.

Actually, Seymour Hersh warns the Atlantic elite against what he remembers well: from the specter of the war in Vietnam, preserved, alas, only in the memories of his generation, but supplemented by very fresh memories of the events of 2007-2009, when America was balancing on the verge of stalling into a big systemic corkscrew.

And Seymour Hersh made it clear that the United States has less and less time to get out of the "European funnel".

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.