Beijing, 3 Mar (Zhongxin Net) -- "A mouthful of ancient opera, hands dancing against millions of soldiers. "Huaxian shadow puppets were born in the Qin and Han dynasties, perfected in the Sui and Tang dynasties, spread in the Song and Yuan dynasties, flourished in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and were known as the "originator of world cinema", and were included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage lists in 27. As the representative inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage project (Huaxian shadow puppet opera), Wang Tianwen has the reputation of "China's first shadow puppet knife".

At the China International Fashion Week being held in Beijing, KIMA Menswear and Wang Tianwen cooperated to apply the carving technology of China's millennium intangible cultural heritage shadow puppet theater to the design and production of clothing patterns, and pioneered the exploration and attempt to graft shadow leather with high-end fabrics, and used it in the design of show and regular clothing, which not only maintains the texture of shadow leather materials, but also has artistic and fashionable aesthetic expression.

The scene of the catwalk Sheng Jiapeng photo

"Times are changing, and the ancient art of shadow puppetry should also be injected with fresh blood in order to be accepted by more people and this art can be better promoted." Wang Tianwen, a master of Chinese arts and crafts, said that he hopes to let more people realize the charm of shadow puppets and let the Chinese culture contained in shadow puppets go overseas.

In fact, since 2016, shadow puppets have crossed borders, especially with some international brands. Wang Haiyan, who was carved by his father Wang Tianwen, once sent traditional ornaments such as snowflake patterns, swastika patterns, and fish scale armor from traditional shadow puppet production to the runways of various fashion exhibitions, so that young people can feel the enduring beauty of traditional shadow puppets. In recent years, the father and daughter are also trying to integrate shadow puppet art with modern art and installation art, and integrate shadow puppet art with modern science and technology to explore the form of shadow puppet theater that adapts to the aesthetic habits of modern people.

The catwalk scene is courtesy of Li Dongli

Hong Boming, CEO and Creative Director of KIMBA Menswear, said that from aquarium horsetail embroidery to Huaxian shadow puppet theater, the cooperation between KIMBA Menswear and intangible cultural heritage skills is by no means a superficial taste and noise, but a deep excavation and refinement to find the common points between intangible cultural heritage skills and brand spiritual culture.

It is worth mentioning that at the Kimba show on the 25th, emerging music producer MARSIX Liu Jialiang performed in the avant-garde music form of the fusion of Chinese music pipa and Western music, plus Chinese millennium intangible cultural heritage shadow opera tune elements, the big show unfolded in the interlacing of light and shadow and syllabic rhythm, comprehensively dispatched each viewer's senses, guided the generation of synesthesia imagination, and enhanced the artistic conception and connotation expression of the show's masterpieces with music, enriching the viewing experience. (End)