Dr. Essam al-Bashir, vice president of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, who was a guest on the program "Sharia and Life", defines self-purification as a central concept mentioned in some 59 places in the Holy Quran.

The episode (2023/3/24) of the program "Sharia and Life" devoted its topic to the concept of self-purification in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet and its relationship to belief and faith.

The acclamation came in the Holy Qur'an with multiple meanings, its conclusion is that it is a purification and sweetening, a delicacy of vices and a sweetening of virtues, and in which purification and growth as God Almighty says: {Take from their money a charity that purifies them and purifies them with it} [Surah Al-Tawbah: 103] and purification is ridding the soul of sins and disobedience and acclamation in which growth.

The acclamation was contained in 4 Qur'anic verses related to major issues, recitation of verses, teaching the Book, wisdom and acclamation. In 3 verses, the recommendation was received at the end, the fruit of the recitation of the verses and the teaching of the Book and wisdom, and in Surat Al-Jumu'ah the recommendation came in the insider in reference to it being the goal and to the aids to obtain this recommendation.

And because acclamation is an end, and it is the fruit of human efforts, it has many elements to be achieved - according to what the doctor explains - including the reform of thoughts and intentions, and the struggle and observation, that is, defending predestination with predestination, and the company of the good and righteous, and performing the obligations before the naafil, and recitation verbally, contemplation, remembrance and action, and looking at the conduct of the righteous predecessors, and vigor and looking at the verses of the universe, which is a source of knowledge and the source of divine harness.

The relationship of acclamation to faith

On the relationship of acclamation with faith, the Vice President of the International Union of Muslim Scholars explains the meanings of Islam, faith and charity, as the word Islam, if mentioned alone, includes its meaning of faith and charity, as well as faith if mentioned alone includes Islam and charity, and if they are separated side by side, the meaning of the word Islam goes to the apparent rites, and faith to the facts of faith, so Islam is for Sharia, faith is for faith, and charity is for acclamation.

Faith, which is the belief of the heart, the approval of the tongue and the work of the limbs, increases with obedience and decreases with disobedience, and it always needs to be advanced, to move from the knowledge of certainty to the eye of certainty and then to the truth of certainty. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stated that faith has a people, some of which are related to the matter of faith and faith, and some of which are related to work, and therefore the acclamation - according to what the doctor adds - works to advance in the runways of faith, and if it is absent, faith declines as well.

And acclamation is not an interruption from life, as it was stated in the words of the Almighty: {Say that my prayer, my asceticism, my life and my death to Allah, Lord of the Worlds} [Surah Al-An'am: 162], a person should not be left behind in life, and it came to achieve architecture that benefits man.

On the human soul, the guest of the episode of "Sharia and Life" explains that God Almighty wanted man to be a composite of two elements, clay and spirit. When the soul is connected to the body, what is called the human soul is formed, and that the soul has been made by God Almighty to know it in the hidden unseen, and humans do not know its truth and essence.