Do you understand food labeling

Children, the elderly and people with common chronic diseases

How to Eat Nutritiously and Healthily

better protect their rights

maintain good health


Please check these consumption tips

Use food labels well


  Look at the food category.

Identify categories by name.


  Just look at the ingredient list.

The list of ingredients is arranged in order according to the amount of each ingredient used during processing, from the most to the least, and the ingredients with an added amount of <2% can be arranged in any order at the end.

  In other words, the first place is generally the most ingredients.

In addition, all food additives will be indicated in the ingredient list.

You can also learn about food allergies through the ingredient list.


  Just look at the nutrition label.

Learn about the nutritional content of food through nutrition labels, so that you can control the balanced mix by yourself.

"Day", "Save" and "Save"

  That is to see the production date, shelf life and storage conditions.

Scientific understanding of "sugar-free"

"No preservatives", "zero additives" food

"sugar free"

  Common sugars in our lives include sucrose, lactose, and white sugar.

According to my country's requirements for nutrition labeling of prepackaged food, if the sugar content per 100 grams of solid food or per 100 ml of liquid food is ≤0.5 grams, it can be declared "sugar-free".

  So sugar-free is only a content claim, not necessarily no sugar at all.

Some sweeteners may be added to sugar-free foods to replace sugar. These sweeteners are food additives and will be marked on the ingredient list on the food label, such as aspartame, acesulfame potassium, and cyclamate are common sweetener.

"No preservatives"

  Preservatives are mainly used to prevent food spoilage, otherwise some food may be spoiled before leaving the factory, and may even produce toxins due to corruption.

From this perspective, preservatives make food richer and safer.

All sweeteners and preservatives that are allowed to be used by the country will not cause health damage to everyone when used in accordance with standard specifications.

"Zero Addition"

  Regulating the use of food additives already has the effect of ensuring food safety, and declaring "zero additives" food does not mean becoming a "top student" in terms of safety.

Children, the elderly and people with common chronic diseases

Food Nutrition Consumption Tips

chronic disease population

  Correcting unhealthy lifestyles, practicing a reasonable diet and active exercise are effective means to prevent and control the occurrence and development of hyperglycemia, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia.

  The National Health and Health Commission organized experts to compile the "Guidelines for Dietary Care for Adults with Diabetes (2023 Edition)", "Guidelines for Dietary Care for Adults with Hypertension (2023 Edition)" and "Guidelines for Dietary Care for Adults with Hyperlipidemia (2023 Edition)". Make reasonable arrangements for the daily diet of the three-high population according to the guidance of the guideline.


  At present, it is generally adopted in the world to formulate standards for staple and supplementary foods for infants and young children to meet the special dietary patterns and nutritional needs of 0-3 years old.

  my country has released infant formula (GB 10765-2022), older infant formula (GB 10766-2022) and infant formula (GB 10767-2022), etc., to specify the safety indicators and nutritional content of main and supplementary foods for infants and young children. Strict restrictions have been made. As the diet of children over 3 years old gradually becomes adult, the nutritional and developmental needs of children can be met through a variety of diets.

  my country's current national food safety standard system has covered the safety and nutritional requirements of "children's food". Most of the market claims that the actual nutritional value of "children's food" is not significantly different from that of adult food, which is a marketing tool for enterprises.

  Consumers can understand food information through food labels and nutrition labels, scientifically understand "children's food", and strengthen the dietary balance of children and adolescents through reasonable diets.

the elderly

  The ability of the elderly to digest and absorb nutrients is reduced, and they are prone to problems such as insufficient intake of protein and micronutrients.

  On the basis of a balanced diet, eat a variety of foods (the staple food is mixed in thickness, vegetables, fish, shrimp, livestock, poultry and eggs are eaten in exchange), and the cooking should be light, and the cooking time should be extended appropriately, so that it can be chopped, Boiled soft, burnt, easy to chew and swallow.

It is not advisable to deliberately look for the nominal "food for the elderly" to eat.

  Source: Department of Food, National Health Commission