It's worse than 9/11.

It is "the greatest threat to American democracy since the Civil War" (Biden).

This is “a moment of great dishonor and disgrace to our nation” (Obama).

This is the new Kristallnacht (Schwarzenegger).

This is a mutiny.

This is domestic terrorism.

This is an attempted coup.

This is how the results of elections in the banana republics are disputed (J. Bush Jr.).

This is the new Pearl Harbor (Liz Cheney).

All this, of course, is about a single event - the so-called storming of the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Then a crowd of supporters of the outgoing President Donald Trump, who had gathered in the center of Washington, inflamed by his speech (Trump called on them to “show strength” and peacefully protest near the walls of the Capitol), broke into the Congress building, where the votes of the Electoral College were being counted, and moved freely along the corridors for several hours and the halls of this "citadel of democracy".

Neither congressmen nor senators were there anymore - the security service evacuated them through an underground passage.

The “Capitol Capture” lasted at most four hours - by evening, the police cleared the complex, using tear gas and stun grenades.

But the consequences of the “storm” are still being felt in the United States.

Democrats tried to portray these events as an anti-government insurgency, started by Donald Trump in order to stay in power.

A special commission of the House of Representatives was created to investigate "January 6", which, however, did not find out anything and ignominiously finished its work at the end of last year.

But the punitive machine worked: according to the US Department of Justice, more than 1,000 people were arrested in the case on January 6, many of them are in prison and are awaiting a court decision.

For two years, Americans were convinced that they were terrible terrorists who wanted to destroy democracy and arrange either anarchy or dictatorship.

The same footage was played on all channels, in which the crowd attacked the police officers heroically defending the Capitol.

The Democrats needed this whole story in order to demonize Trump and throw him out of the political ring - as happens in staged wrestling fights beloved by Americans.

And during the November 2022 midterm congressional elections, they once again used Capitol Storm to accuse Republican candidates of being a "semi-fascist ultra-MAGA threat" to American democracy.

Almost certainly, this plot was planned to be used during the presidential campaign in 2024 in order to prevent the victory of the Trump they hate.


On March 6 and 7, the most popular Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson showed a new version of what happened in the Capitol.

The fact is that the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Republican Kevin McCarthy, provided Carlson's team with unhindered access to the video footage that was filmed on January 6 by special services, police and simply surveillance cameras of the Capitol.

And this is no less than 41 thousand hours of video recordings.

Even before the first of Carlson's two announced programs had aired, the Democrats were throwing a tantrum.

“Democrats run like decapitated chickens,” wrote the New York Post.

"Monday and Tuesday night, the Fox News host will air five stories that debunk the overblown 'uprising' narrative that the Democrats and their media sycophants have been pushing since day one."

Democrats were nervous for good reason.

According to Breitbart News, on January 6, the committee they run only published materials that were beneficial to them so that the public would believe in claims of an "uprising" - some frames were even edited for this.

And when Tucker Carlson, one of the few American journalists free from the stifling confines of the left-liberal mainstream, got access to the video, it suddenly became clear that there was, in fact, no “mutiny”.

Yes, there was violence, but it was targeted and not on the scale that the media was shouting about.

Basically, the actions of Trump supporters who broke into the Capitol were peaceful in nature, and it’s hard to call them “broke in” - the police warningly opened the doors of Congress in front of them and even “cooperated” with them, conducting excursions through its corridors and halls.

So, in the footage shown by Carlson, you can see how the police are friendly escorting the famous “QAnon shaman” Jacob Chansley (convicted to three years and five months) around the Capitol premises.

Carlson refuted the Democrats' lie that Capitol Police Officer Brian Siknick was allegedly killed during the riot by being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher.

In fact, Siknik died the day after the second stroke and his death was not a consequence of the events of January 6th.

New videos expose the lies of some congressmen and senators who said they fled the Capitol in fear for their lives.

“The crowd was huge,” Carlson said on Monday.

- A small percentage of her were hooligans.

They committed acts of vandalism, you have seen their photos more than once, but the vast majority did not.

They were peaceful.

They were meek and meek.

These were not rebels.

They were tourists."

After the first of Carlson's programs went on the air, the Democrats' hysteria reached its climax.

US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer thundered from the podium: “I'm just furious with Carlson.

To say that there was no violence on January 6 is a lie, a pure lie.

I don't think I've ever seen a primetime cable news anchor manipulate his viewers the way Mr. Carlson did last night.

I don't think I've ever seen a host treat the American people and American democracy with such disdain."

But wait, who is saying this?

One of the leaders of a party that has shamelessly manipulated Americans for two years, hammering lies into their heads about a "mutiny" staged by the monstrous Trump?

Doesn't this speech of Schumer prove the validity of the old Russian proverb "On the thief and the cap is on fire"?

Carlson, to his credit, responded to the irate Democrat: "These videos are hurtful because they threaten the lies that Chuck Schumer - and not only him - has been telling for the past 26 months."

But Schumer didn't stop there.

He called on Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch to ban Tucker Carlson from going on the air with stories about January 6th.

“Rupert Murdoch, tell Carlson not to start the second lie segment,” Schumer said.

“Our democracy depends on it!”

But what about freedom of speech?

What about the famous First Amendment to the US Constitution?

Democrats remember about it only when it is beneficial for them.

And when it comes to exposing their own lies, they completely forget.

It is not surprising that the anger of the Democrats and their media sang along fell on the honest journalist Carlson.

Popular host Whoopi Goldberg said that Carlson was following George Orwell's method: he "took a page out of 1984 and told his viewers to reject the evidence of their eyes and ears."

Former Illinois Republican congressman-turned-CNN contributor Adam Kinzinger called Tucker a "swindler" and his January 6 coverage "disgusting."

“It’s sad that we will have people who only get their news on Fox News, who will never have the opportunity to hear the truth,” Kinzinger was indignant.

Of course, everyone knows that only CNN tells the truth.

Perhaps that is why the daily audience of this channel has decreased by as much as 80% in two years - now CNN is watched by no more than 0.5 million people during the day (for a country with a population of 330 million people, this is a drop in the ocean).

Fox News has long been outpacing both CNN and MSNBC in terms of viewership, and now, with the release of Carlson's revelations, that gap will be even greater.

But for Carlson himself, the story of the refutation of the big lie about the events of January 6 may end sadly.

The very next day after the first broadcast, the main Democratic media, as if on cue (however, why "how"? On command, of course) published quotes from his personal correspondence, where he spoke unflatteringly about Trump.

“I hate him passionately,” Carlson wrote to a colleague on January 4, 2021, even before the “mutiny.”

What he's good at is destroying things.

In this he is the undisputed champion of the world.”

Why is it necessary now to pull out this correspondence for all to see?

Not only to convince viewers that Tucker Carlson is allegedly an unscrupulous bastard.

What is much more important for the Democrats is to prevent the Trump-Carlson tandem from re-forming (as it was during the years of the Trump presidency, when Fox News was almost the only media supporting the owner of the White House).

And such a tandem can develop.

Immediately after Carlson's broadcast on Monday, Trump wrote on his Truth Social in capital letters: "Great job Tucker Carlson tonight."

Is it any wonder that the Democrats have already accused Carlson of being a “sleeping” Russian agent?

Maryland Congressman Jamie Raskin said on MSNBC that Speaker McCarthy should not have given the Jan. 6 footage to Carlson because the Fox News anchor is "pro-Putin" and acting in the interests of the Russian president.

“As usual, Raskin’s hints of collusion with Russia don’t make sense,” the New York Post sneers, “but he seems to be hinting that Vladimir Putin will somehow watch Carlson’s program and learn how to attack the Capitol.”


It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

Recall that in American prisons hundreds of prisoners are still awaiting a court decision, accused of forcibly seizing the Capitol, which, as it turns out, was not.

Will the American Themis stop short of accusing a brave journalist of preparing a new rebellion?

The question, as they say, is rhetorical.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.