A memorial meeting was held in Tokyo to read the names of the victims before the 78th anniversary of the Tokyo air raid, which killed about 100,000 people in 10 days.

The Great Tokyo Air Raid on March 10, 1945 caused devastating damage, mainly in downtown areas, and about 100,000 people died.

On the 9th, at the "Tokyo Air Raid and War Damage Documentation Center" in Koto Ward, Tokyo, a memorial meeting was held to read the names of the victims, and about 40 people, including bereaved families and high school students in Tokyo, participated.

The participants mourned their deaths by slowly reading out the names of the 1928 victims who had been given permission from their families or carved on the cenotaphs.

A 77-year-old woman who served as the reader said, ``I read while thinking about the lives and lifestyles of each individual, rather than lumping the 100,000 victims together. I was talking.

A first-year high school girl said, ``I've learned about the air raids through the number of victims, but by reading out their names, I can think about the lives of those people and what they were like at the time, and think about the war. I once again had the feeling that I should not do it, "he said.