The President of the Government has decided to lead the campaign of harassment that the Executive has undertaken in an orchestrated manner against Ferrovial.

Underlying it is a

populist strategy of discredit

and intimidation that goes beyond targeting the construction company: it reaches any company that has decided to leave the country and is a warning of what awaits those who plan to follow that path.

Ferrovial's departure to the Netherlands is negative news for the Spanish economy, and it would be desirable if

and it did not occur.

However, this does not legitimize the confrontation

ad hominem

what the government does

with Pedro Sánchez himself pointing to its president, Rafael del Pino


And not from any platform, but even on two occasions, in Copenhagen and Helsinki, in the middle of his European tour.

What image of institutional responsibility is offered by a president who from abroad attacks and denies patriotism to one of the greatest creators of wealth in his country.

The first reading of

railway case

portrays the drift of the Government.

The message it sends to the markets is detrimental: is Spain no longer an attractive destination for global capital?

We are facing a new chapter of the demonization of the business community that the Executive has been rehearsing for months, but that it is now raising to a higher scale.

Sánchez had previously appealed to figures such as Ana Botín or Ignacio Sánchez Galán


However, he had never exhibited such vehemence as against the president of Ferrovial.

The campaign is overwhelming: from different ministries they attribute "political will" to the march of the multinational, Moncloa slips that Del Pino wants to take his assets to the Netherlands -which is uncertain, as this newspaper has published- and the vice president Nadia Calviño joins This, despite the fact that a year ago he praised the "inspirational leadership" of the businessman.

To these positions with moral pretensions, which arrive with the

Mediated case

r eroding the PSOE,

We must add the occurrence of Podemos

: the government partner wants to force by law the companies that leave Spain to repay the public aid received in the last ten years.

If Ferrovial, as the company itself claims, changes its headquarters because the Netherlands offers it greater legal certainty, initiatives like this one only support that argument.

The need for

set clearer rules on tax competition between EU Member States

that this newspaper has always defended cannot hide the seriousness of the electoral and irresponsible strategy into which the Government has entered.

Legal certainty and stability are the foundation of the indispensable trust that allows the economy and society as a whole to prosper.

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