[Explanation] Recently, during an interview in Jinshan District, Shanghai, a reporter found that during the epidemic last year, many families purchased fever-reducing and cough-relieving medicines and hoarded them.

Ms. Lu, who lives in Jinlaiyuan Community, Zhujing Town, stocked up many boxes of medicines for fever, cold and cough.

Today, some medicines are close to expiry date, but we don't know how to deal with them.

  [Concurrent] Lu Heyun, a resident of Jinlaiyuan Community

  There are so many medicines, and the dosage is quite large, and I don't know how to deal with them. It will expire in July 2023 this year.

  [Explanation] There are many people who encounter the same problem like Ms. Lu, so what should be done with the medicines that are still within the shelf life?

In fact, in the special period when antipyretics and cold medicines are in short supply, many village neighborhood committees have carried out different forms of beneficial attempts to coordinate residents' medication needs in the form of "neighborhood mutual assistance".

  [Concurrent] Lou Xingmei, Team Leader, Building 443, No. 4, Shihua Fourth Village, Shihua Street, Jinshan District, Shanghai

  Our residents are also very enthusiastic. They feel that they will bring over those that are not in use for the time being. After bringing them, our medicine box will be formed. I will pay attention to it, because this medicine cannot be expired, and it cannot be eaten wrong. The things used have an expiry date. , I'll clean it up after that.

  [Explanation] Today, a "shared medicine cabinet" has been set up at the party-mass service station in the residential area of ​​Sihua Petrochemical Village.

If residents have unopened medicines within the shelf life, they can donate them to the medicine cabinet free of charge, and community volunteers will be responsible for acceptance.

  [Concurrent] Acceptance site

  Is this medicine supposed to be refrigerated?

  No, just put it outside to treat chronic laryngitis.

  Okay, because we don't charge for putting in the refrigerator, because the conditions here are limited.

  Yes, I know, that's why I don't put them in the refrigerator.

  [Concurrent] Aunt Yan, a resident of Shihua No. 4 Village, Shihua Street

  (I) have an underlying disease, which is very common for the elderly, so my medicines are quite common, such as Musk Baoxin Pills, which can be taken by those who are generally suffering from heart discomfort and difficulty breathing.

  [Explanation] Due to the possible risks of sharing medication, the staff of the shared medicine cabinet strictly abide by the drug use regulations during the drug distribution process, while prescription drugs need to follow the doctor's advice.

  [Same period] Zhao Qi, a staff member of the neighborhood committee of Shihua No. 4 Village, Shihua Street

  If (residents) need to use prescription drugs, we will communicate with the family doctor to determine the quantity and type of good drugs and distribute them to him.

  [Same period] Shi Yuzhao, general practitioner of Fengjing Town Community Health Service Center, Jinshan District, Shanghai

  If the (storage) time is very long, we do not recommend them to use it, because the medicine has a storage environment, and if it is stored at home for more than half a year, that storage is definitely not acceptable. We suggest that they bring it over, and we have to ask. Where is it usually placed, and how long has it been prepared.

  [Explanation] In fact, Fengjing Town has implemented an expired drug recycling system for many years and carried out extensive publicity among the villagers.

Rural doctors in each village regularly send the collected expired medicines to the Fengjing Town Community Health Service Center every month, and then the center handles them uniformly.

People in the industry remind residents that there is no need to hoard medicines to avoid unnecessary waste.

  Reported by Zhang Jian and Lin Kunpeng in Shanghai

Responsible editor: [Lu Yan]