We are

earning extinction

as the highest recognition for our effort to become the most ridiculous species that populates this wonderful planet.

As José Mota would say,

"we are fools 'forever'

, and, although neither Nostradamus nor the Simpsons have warned it in their prophecies (at least, as far as I know), for me, the unequivocal sign of this ending is not neither the biblical plagues, nor the blood moons, nor other scary moves, but the indisputable fact that the glass of human bullshit is about to overflow. And, I am very afraid, that the apocalypse is going to catch us dancing,


, but

to record a TikTok


And it is that the most recent installment of 'we are losing the pot based on good and we do nothing to avoid it because we are delighted to meet each other', has TikTok.

Before going into the matter, I have to admit that, although both TikTok and Instagram seem to me

amazing tools to 'do good

', as a mature woman I am saddened (to say nothing else) by the possibilities they offer to

dragging ourselves towards the dark side

of narcissism, of the search for a false popular approval of people who, in most cases, we neither know nor give a damn and of a very dangerous longing to show off a face and a body that fit to those ideals of beauty with which, tirelessly, we are bombarded in these networks.

Because, compared to that great hoax called Body Positive (a beautiful but empty idea, I'm afraid), the reality is that the networks are putting disturbing images of perfect cloned beings through our eyes every day, in theory

, but very dodgy


In this strange virtual world, either you have 'foxy eyes', 'Cruella' eyebrows, 'designer' noses, haughty cheekbones, extra juicy xxl lips and you're freshly young or you don't eat a donut (version from my time of not being they don't give a 'like').

Artifices, all of them, accepted without any objection, but female nipples, you know, not one.

And, if you don't meet all those standard requirements, or touch-ups,

there are always filters to give a

virtual 'hand of sheet metal and paint'.

Dreaming is free but the bad thing is when dreams get out of hand.

Because, from the initial laughs with the little freckles, the butterflies and the retreaded lips, we are getting into such delicate terrain as the one that Bold Glamor invites us to, the filter that is making a mess on TikTok.

What does this invention have so that even some influencers are already asking for its ban?

Well, the clear realism with which, by algorithmic art,

it transforms the face, eliminating wrinkles, various sagging and blemishes.

to bring out that smooth skin, those defiant cheekbones, those haughty eyebrows and that perfectly defined oval that are so highly valued.

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Honestly, I find this filter just as

scary and disturbing

(sorry, I love that word) as many others (maybe a little more for precision).

And, although it creeps me out horribly, it could be somewhat funny if the 'little game' didn't carry such dangerous implications. Because, behind that immediate virtual 'transformer', I'm afraid, hide the real desires of many young people (especially) for showing off a physique that is being sold to them as 'perfect' and that pushes them to go to aesthetic doctors' offices with 'filtered' photos of their faces to implore them to do the necessary touch-ups to look like them.

"I have been working in facial aesthetics for 23 years and I have experienced many things, many currents and many fashions but, lately, I have observed in my practice how the cases of patients with very disturbing stereotypes are multiplying. More and more I receive desperate mothers who


me that their daughters are not happy because they want to have the faces of the filters they use," Dr. Gema Pérez Sevilla told me in an interview I did with her two years ago.

Although the matter may seem like a 'trivial thing', it is not at all.

To realize this, one only has to pay attention to the calls for attention from doctors who, like Dr. Pérez Sevilla, have been warning about the direct relationship between the abuse of these filters and the increase in cases for a long time

. of dysmorphia

, a disorder that makes us obsessed with physical defects that, in most cases, only exist in our mind.

And the worst part of all this is that, although we older women can also go crazy with the matter, it is the young women who have all the ballots to become cannon fodder for these applications.

Therefore, it is much more scary if possible.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Tik Tok

  • instagram

  • Seville