, Beijing, February 23 (Wei Xianghui) On the 23rd, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council held a press conference to introduce the situation related to the consolidation of major achievements in epidemic prevention and control.

According to Mi Feng, spokesperson of the National Health and Medical Commission, recently, the epidemic situation in various places has been sporadic and sporadic, and the prevention and control situation is generally improving, and it has steadily entered the normalized prevention and control stage of "Class B and B Control".

The picture is taken by Wei Xianghui at the press conference

The epidemic in my country is still sporadic and localized

  Liang Wannian, head of the expert group of the National Health Commission's Epidemic Response and Disposal Leading Group, said that judging from the characteristics of the epidemic itself, it can be said that the epidemic has basically ended, but it cannot be said to be completely over. The current infections in our country are sporadic. local distribution.

  Liang Wannian introduced that there are different indicators from different perspectives as a sign of getting out of the pandemic.

From the perspective of epidemic prevention and control, especially public health, he believes that the indicators mainly include the following aspects:

  The first is what is the infection rate of this disease, which are the two key infection rates, the cumulative infection rate and the new infection rate.

The second is the level of immunity or immunity rate of the population to it. The indicator is to judge the level of antibodies in the body, that is, the state of the anti-immune barrier and immune protection rate.

The third is to look at the pathogen, that is, whether the new coronavirus has undergone qualitative mutations that have public health significance.

Fourth, from the perspective of medical and health care providers, the daily number of outpatients, hospitalizations, severe cases, deaths, and the ability of the entire medical and health system to respond.

Finally, it depends on the overall prevention and control capabilities, from the mechanism to whether the means and capabilities to control the disease are basically in place.

The scene of the large-scale dual-selection job fair for the 2023 graduates of colleges and universities in the spring.

Photo by Zhao Chunliang

XBB.1.5 is less likely to trigger a new round of large-scale epidemics in the near future

  At the press conference, Yang Feng, director of the Surveillance and Early Warning Department of the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention, introduced that my country has initially formed a multi-channel monitoring system that takes into account normal and emergency, entry and local, urban and rural, general population and key populations.

  In the next step, the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention will work with relevant departments to further improve the monitoring and early warning system, strengthen epidemic monitoring and normalized early warning capacity building, improve monitoring quality, strengthen the monitoring and early warning mechanism, and improve the team of cross-field and multidisciplinary experts.

Continue to improve the functions of the network direct reporting system for infectious diseases, and improve the informatization level of data collection and intelligent analysis capabilities.

Carry out special law enforcement inspections on the reporting of infectious diseases such as new crown virus infection, and promote timely reporting in accordance with the law.

  In response to the newly discovered cases of new mutant strains recently discovered by China CDC, one case of XBB. Since the implementation of the "Class B and B Control" of new crown virus infection, we have found 1 local-related XBB.1.5 case caused by imported cases through monitoring, which is a core close contact person.

After detailed epidemiological investigation, health testing of relevant close contacts and expert judgment, no further cases were found.

  Chang Zhaorui introduced that the current data show that the symptoms of individuals infected with XBB.1.5 are similar to those of other Omicron strains, and no increase in its pathogenicity has been found.

"Our country has just experienced a pandemic, and the neutralizing antibodies remaining in the human body will provide immune protection in the short term. Expert research and analysis believe that it is less likely to trigger a new round of large-scale epidemics in the near future."

Spring plowing preparations set off an upsurge Photo by Zhao Chunliang

Fever, diarrhea symptoms, etc. should focus on whether it is an intestinal disease

  Chang Zhaorui said that after the new coronavirus infection, the main symptoms are fever, dry throat, sore throat and cough, and some patients may be accompanied by diarrhea symptoms.

When symptoms of fever and diarrhea occur, we should focus on whether it is an intestinal disease such as acute gastroenteritis, especially in the current season of high incidence of norovirus infection.

Recently, the website of the disease control department and the WeChat official account have successively issued health reminders for norovirus infection, and the public can follow the relevant reminders to take precautions.

  Chang Zhaorui introduced that there are still cases of new coronavirus infection in various places, and people who have not been infected before may still be infected.

Schools are crowded places with high density. Once a source of infection is introduced, there is a risk of infection for uninfected people. However, because the overall immunity level of our population is relatively high, the risk of large-scale cluster epidemics is low.

  Chang Zhaorui suggested that when an epidemic occurs in a school, the relationship between epidemic handling and normal teaching order should be balanced, and professionals should conduct comprehensive research and judgment based on students' previous infection levels, disease severity, epidemic development stage, and virus infection strains. assessment, and then make relevant actions.
