• Office What do I take, ibuprofen or paracetamol?

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The European Medicines Agency (


) has launched a review of




, used to

treat nasal congestion

caused by a cold, flu or allergy, due to concerns about the

risk of developing diseases

that affect the blood vessels of the brain.

These drugs are being reviewed by the EMA's safety committee (PRAC), following the publication of

new data on a "small number" of people

using pseudoephedrine-containing medicines who have developed

posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome

(PRES) or

vasoconstriction syndrome .

reversible stroke



can involve reduced blood supply (ischemia) to the brain

and can cause serious and life-threatening complications in some cases. Common symptoms associated with PRES and RCVS include headache, nausea and seizures," the EMA explained. it's a statement.

The EMA notification includes a list of medicines under surveillance that contain


, among them there are

31 that are marketed in Spain


These are:

  • bisolfren

  • Cinfatós Comple

  • Decongestant Cinfatós

  • ClaritynePlus

  • cold cutter C

  • Decongestant Frenadol

  • frenaxsin

  • Gelocatil Influenza With Pseudoephedrine

  • Grippal With Pseudoephedrine And Dextromethorphan

  • Ibuprofen/Pseudoephedrine Nutra Essential

  • Ilvisinus

  • Inistolin Pediatric Cough And Congestion

  • Iniston Mucus And Congestion

  • Iniston Cough And Congestion

  • lasa with codeine

  • Narine Repetabs

  • pharmafren

  • pharmatusgrip

  • Pseudoephedrine Farmalider

  • React

  • Respidin

  • Respidin Antiallergic

  • Respidin Expectorant Junior

  • rhinobactil

  • Rino Ebastel

  • stopcold

  • Thermalgin Cold

  • Vincigrip

  • Vincigrip Forte Cocoa Flavor

  • Vincigrip Forte Orange Flavor

  • Virlix Plus



is taken by mouth

and used

alone or in combination with other medications

to treat nasal congestion resulting from a cold, flu, or allergy.

Restrictions and warnings about this product are already included in its package insert.

Drugs with pseudoephedrine have a

known risk of "cardiovascular and cerebrovascular ischemic events

(side effects involving ischemia in the heart and brain), including cerebrovascular accidents and heart attacks," recalls the European agency.

The PRAC will now assess the general safety profile of pseudoephedrine and the indications for which medicines containing it are approved, and will decide whether the European license for these drugs should be "maintained, modified, suspended or withdrawn" from all European Union (EU).

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • European Union

  • Flu

  • Europe

  • doping